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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Depends on how they meant immigrant, I'm one but I am a citizen as well in that I wasn't born here. You can be a permanent resident in some countries, Canada is one, I think the US is similar with the green card program.
  2. That could work, sure a lot of ways a voter can have immigrant but non citizen parents. Or more likely people will suspect some sort of xenophobia at work (may or may not be true) and react against that.
  3. Right of foreigners to vote in the United States. They cant vote unless they are citizens (well probably in CA they can ) and if they are citizens they wont be deported. Their families can be deported though, and they themselves can be citizens by birth.
  4. What about the rest of you ?
  5. Wasting time talking of game ideas we'll never make at work. So far the best is POG of Duty, where you play a logistics NCO making sure combat troops get the socks and boots they need.
  6. TV series on that - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1864_(TV_series) I guess only Gorgon may have seen it.
  7. German occupation of north-east France during World War I. German military administration in occupied France during World War II. Are you referring to?: Military battles of Vichy France. Okay, wasn't including partial occupation as opposed to a total defeat, seems a bit unfair to treat that as a point of ridicule as they were still fighting the invaders. Rather than defeat and then collaboration (which probably is the root of the derision, though maybe it mutated) And no, did not mean Vichy's military actions, was a joke on people not knowing things like that.
  8. This France - Denmark game is a lot more boring than I expected.
  9. Nah, I think you have to have your country militarily occupied two or more times in under a century to qualify. But we can make an exception for the current qq generation that cant accept differing opinions. That excludes France then, they've only really been occupied once I guess they get the heat for Vichy rather than being defeated by an armed force that beat everyone else though. Well, maybe that's assuming people even know about Vichy
  10. You mean they don't have them after Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq?
  11. Well, another 9/11 would probably bring you all together.
  12. Well TV channels here show them during long weekends as filler, I occasionally work Canadian holidays so is something to pass the time. Last Boxing Day I watched Ep 1-3 while "working". Did get some more respect for Ep 1, but 2 was so painful.
  13. Seems most of the rant is at the supporters of Trump. Hm, wonder how Living Color is doing these days.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casca_(series) Anyone read these books ? Not expecting too much as a book series that reaches 47 books probably isn't amazing
  15. GTA Online is hell, though.
  16. I wouldn't say that, Episodes 2, 7 and 8 are pretty lackluster in that area for me, the most former being downright painful to watch again
  17. Star Wars fans deserve abuse
  18. Pepe and Sergio Ramos are still in it
  19. That sounds like Heresy.
  20. Is just counter punching
  21. As if they'd say the found the poison the reptilians killed him with
  22. https://www.clippituser.tv/c/nbqmkl Bah, should have been a red.
  23. Morocco went down swinging at least.
  24. Iran so close there.
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