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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Played some GTA Online, tried the nightclub stuff, or at least the start. Game started off with some modder flying planes formed into a swastika around the city, then had some other one try to kill me on a motorbike and trying to hatchet my car (I guess it was modded to blow up the car?). Killed him by just stopping and letting him ram me, so that was fun. What an unpleasant experience that game is online.
  2. You forget what forum you are on if you think 'egotistical' is a bad thing.
  3. Would you say there are some very fine people there? No, but there's a really great boobies thread over there.
  4. Ah, ok. Half hearted search only showed said astronaut claiming it was so, so was skeptical. Sort of disappointed I can recognize a Mail story by the font alone, as well. Should definitely pick well on who they send to Mars, don't want to send a Frank Chalmers.
  5. Mail article makes me wonder if it is actually true at all.
  6. Such unfair hate for the codex here
  7. It's spread to Canada too. Seems to be just about the migration resolution and how it's basically the NWO, here.
  8. I dunno, I think romances use cinnamon.
  9. Bald Sisko is best Sisko
  10. Threw away the Swedish Premier title, damn runs of bad form combined with a slew of injuries. Sometimes I think the game is out to screw me
  11. So other people's feedback is actually dictating something to you? Fools and their money, I guess. Is funny to see people here who act as if Sawyer or Urquhart pays their mortgage.
  12. Yeah, but support them when they deliver something to you that you feel is worth it either from information leading up or reviews and feedback after release. Otherwise, why not mail them a cheque every month They still owe me for the money I kicked in to PoE, got ripped off that bad
  13. His new album's not too bad.
  14. Considering the screeching horde gamers are these days, it'd have to be a good chunk. Don't think it matters that much, people should snap up the game on release due to Obsidian reputation or just being easily suckered for hype
  15. I was hoping this would be about loot crates. That'd be a pretty innovative in a single player RPG.
  16. Well, 10 of them can be spotters.
  17. Because I pre-order all of their games. Don’t be a troll. So you are a sucker then. Also, that is trolling to you ?
  18. Actually, just wanted to work in the FNM song lyric but got it wrong it is "man was born to love"
  19. So, no, it hasn't been liberated from Bethesda at all, really. Nonsense, you want to deny a key feature just because some have done it poorly in the past ? Have you no faith in Obsidian ? Why, by that same logic, Obsidian shouldn't make games at all, as they've delivered buggy crap! As Mike Patton said, Man was made to love.
  20. Wait, Bethesda once owned it ?
  21. Shame, was really hoping they would have romances. Doesn't feel like a proper RPG without one
  22. Ah great, it's POE again. I guess I will go promancer this time around, the anti-romance people get too wound up not to.
  23. Post a lot saying that no third person view is a slap in the face. Maybe you can get them to put one in.
  24. I'm surprised you even know of it, to be honest.
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