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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Your wife has left you.
  2. People cry at movies?
  3. Insane prices. 800 EUR for that?! Those ads are indeed blocked by Adblock Plus, at least with Firefox.
  4. Always found it funny they have a news division, or at least didn't change the name.
  5. Well, hell is other people, so the more people present, the worse something always becomes
  6. Seems like exploiting to me.
  7. Probably more true in terms of an even contest, say against the Soviets. Always interpreted that as meaning strategically they are useless and maneuver warfare is the way. Then again, it is just a quote, rather than something he wrote down as part of a treatise on warfare, so probably looking into something more than it warrants.
  8. Well at the time he said that he wasn't wholly wrong
  9. https://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational/russian-tv-airs-doc-claiming-nazi-loving-ukrainians-are-running-canada-s-government-1.4979924 Volo was on to something...
  10. Whoops, serves me right for just using the back button
  11. Truly the pinnacle of voice acting
  12. Well, if you're going to make a change to the system, you have to design it so that the worst that can happen isn't bad. Not everyone is going to be a philosopher king, after all. Then again
  13. Dialed into a Webex and no one noticed so had a pleasant daily meeting for once. One step closer to total invisibility at work
  14. https://www.businessinsider.com/sicko-mode-kanye-west-reportedly-playing-over-jfks-loud-speakers-2019-1?fbclid=IwAR170OUBAwI8-Qx5KBBm-q9tDKpwO99wOIHnVAT0_TeMbKtC3VdjrIgdHUE TSA agents having some fun, at least.
  15. *snort* Story.
  16. I predict people will hate it, anyway
  17. Well, this is parliamenting. They say when this one fails they will try more, I guess they can try to seduce some Tories or DUP members to defect and cause the government to collapse that way ? Does look like they do have other things in the air https://services.parliament.uk/Bills/?group=date&order=desc
  18. Most of the time anyone spends significant amounts of time deriding people who aren't hard enough, it always seems that they are the kind of "I have 'Can't be Touched' playing on loop in my head' type of paper badasses
  19. What, is it about Jesus' time in Hell, so Gibson can show us more torture and suffering ?
  20. That tool Stirling also commented about it, mercifully was just text so we were spared having to hear him.
  21. Gamers are morons, pretty much.
  22. Shame the reduction of the UK to just England and Wales is unlikely.
  23. China-Canada spat is heating up a tad. Pretty sure the drug smuggler's going to die just due to that. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/china-blasts-trudeau-remarks-canadian-death-sentence-1.4978443
  24. Reminds me that I never did see Alpha.
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