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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/03/24/us/politics/barr-letter-mueller-report.html Looks like nothing will come from it.
  2. Have to go to dentist, then seeing ESB with the local orchestra playing the soundtrack live. Also have to clean bathroom at some point today
  3. Wouldn't say Canadians are all that tough about winter, or at least would be comparable to Russian ones.
  4. True, but had wondered at the thinking. Bit off topic, but I found everything about this video too funny to not share
  5. Always found the flash suppressor an odd item on these assault weapon bans. Not sure that adds all that much to the threat of a weapon.
  6. Game developers have the worst names for their firms
  7. Hopefully Epic exclusive
  8. Still is no benefit, is just going to have to deal with jackals not interested in anything they have to say explaining their decision. You overestimate the players here. Politely, I disagree. It's short term pain, no doubt. But I view it similarly to the backlash that CDPR experienced when they announced that Cyberpunk2077, previously marketed as having a choice between third and first person perspective, would instead be all first person. There was a backlash. A large one. Their forums were pretty unpleasant. But CDPR representatives were there taking the heat, explaining their reasoning and I suspect people walked away feeling that they had at least been heard and their concerns listened to. Even if their decisions could not be changed at this point, just the act of making the effort goes a long way. Not really a like for like comparison. Also am not of the belief they can do anything in the end anyway, so will be a fruitless exercise, at least in terms of usable things. Not sure many would leave feel more content than before as "they listened to us" as their inability to do anything will also affect what they can say. So no need to be the usual online snarky about a company being radio silent.
  9. Bullet control is the key
  10. Still is no benefit, is just going to have to deal with jackals not interested in anything they have to say explaining their decision. You overestimate the players here.
  11. No benefit to engaging with people angry about it.
  12. Should have done this regardless of anything, to be honest.
  13. Only took them 15 years to get tired of it, that's some endurance
  14. Point was on the post, not reasons for it, heh. What are their goals here then and where are they heading ? In any event though, why not just get it from the Windows Store or other vendors in a year ?
  15. You really believe that ? No company cares about you.
  16. Still seems over dramatic, even for the Internet. Not like Obsidian is going to change course on this - money is great for a business after all - because some dude claims he'll never buy their games again (which, knowing gamers...he probably will). At least they didn't be edgy and say they'd pirate the game though
  17. Not much evidence for it being spyware for the Chinese, though.
  18. And why do you think anyone cares ? Man, maybe there is something to gamers being utter babies.
  19. Still sounds like competing with other platforms - consoles have had this kind of competition as well, no ? And the exclusives are limited anyway, so isn't all that bad.
  20. Potheads. Always seem to be evangelists on What Can Weed Do For You! Today I am excited as I am buying Thai food for lunch. Less enthused that they raised the price by $0.10...
  21. Hold out for 75% off ELEX.
  22. Hopefully another insomnia type deal where they force people to buy awful games for the greater good
  23. How does getting exclusivity deals have nothing to do with competition ? Seems like nakedly being so.
  24. Wonder why Trump has some hair up his ass about McCain of late. Only flashbang he has left ?
  25. In their heads I am sure they all see it as
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