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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Big surprise he advertises himself as atheist. It's like CrossFit
  2. Well, sometimes it can be a problem. My last firm was run like a terrorist cell - no one knows what another team is working on, you find out where you have to go fly to about 2 days before you need to, people do things that you should know about but some guy decided you don't have the need to know.
  3. Console scum.
  4. I don't get the reference.
  5. https://www.vg247.com/2019/04/16/obsidian-chris-avellone/ Not sure how this is a problem. My company works this...hm..
  6. Time to find these leaks and make sure my coworkers find them.
  7. View from inside
  8. Apparently, they managed to save some things in the cathedral, that's something.
  9. Trump's suggestion of water bombers would be funny to see carried out.
  10. Wonder if college students actually do this. Then again, some idealize Roman society, so who knows.
  11. Focus Interactive making 3 new WH games. Maybe an RTS ? https://www.pcinvasion.com/new-warhammer-games/
  12. Finished the Imperial campaign of BFGA2, forgot I was playing on Easy, whoops. Was nice to kill Abbadon, even if my tactics never evolved past massed broadsides. Fun campaign overall though. Spire gets a cool speech at the end, as before
  13. The bribes worked.
  14. TLJ was boring aside from the Rey parts. And the other ones have fairly nonsensical bits. Regardless of whatever they did before, end product wasn't that great. Apparently Abrams consulted with Lucas on this, interesting
  15. Oh, right, forgot Rose exists.
  16. Such a small, small man.
  17. So Palpatine is alive ? Actually never mind, probably too obvious bait. Big meh.
  18. Another one bites the dust
  19. Apathy is very powerful. Sorry, not apathy, forgot it is them being aware that **** like shaving doesn't matter and they reject these illogical social conventions.
  20. Delighted to see Neckbeard Zero (what I call a guy in my neighbourhood who I spotted wearing cargo shorts, socks with sandals, a Blind Guardian tshirt, actual neckbeard and a fedora one time) again in my area. No katana though, but maybe he had it hid under his trenchcoat.
  21. At least in D3's case being online means you're subject to lag when trying to play solo
  22. First and third is somewhat believable.
  23. Few times I've seen people blast away with this in movies I've always suspected it was BS. Interesting channel, by the way.
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