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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sun being out and warmer weather coming made me realize I don't have my doggo to sit outside with. Sort of funny how people used to get unnerved by a guy with his weiner on his lap listening to loud reggae
  2. Don't think many games would be what we would be called an alpha state 15 years ago. The alpha I played then was pretty unstable and missing a lot of features or things plain old not working for large groups of users. Gamers over inflating severity of issues isn't anything new. If such a closed beta for Bannerlord does happen soon that is a good thing. Just have to wait 18 months after that for release date announcement
  3. Tropico 6, I can skip lunch for a couple of days to pay for it, as I am hard up for a city builder and Skylines is rather boring as I face no challenge (and eventually it just bogs down). I guess MW5 is just going to be on Steam ?
  4. And then Obi Wan kills him in an unimpressive "duel"
  5. Seems Afghanistan does have have oil and natural gas. https://afghanistan.cr.usgs.gov/oil-and-natural-gas-publications-maps https://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2006/3031/
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/games/261550/announcements/detail/1723097746688457151 Found it funny this was news - they plan to have a closed beta. Well, I'd hope so.
  7. On to Killing Pablo by Bowden. Have to say Bowden's a bit jingoistic and rolling my eyes at him trying to pass Los Pepes off as a necessary end when I have a feeling that creating and supporting a death squad is going to lead to issues after Escobar's death.
  8. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/436560-trump-says-navy-seal-charged-with-war-crimes-will-be-moved-to-less Have a feeling that SEAL is in for a pardon.
  9. Is that a drawback or virtue? Nevertheless, good to see something which is not lootbox zombie battle royal. Nah, not a drawback or anything, just felt 4 and 5 were nothing different, so affects how much I feel I should fork out for it. This one is getting people saying it is a bit of a change and is good so maybe will grab it sooner.
  10. Watched MK Annihilation again, have to say it is pretty funny And the music is pretty good.
  11. Well our most famous one is Zanta.
  12. Warmer weather seems to mean even more crazies out on the street. Have some hobo outside my office's building doing the Ric Flair Woo in the middle of cursing and ranting, in addition to the fake blind guy and the apathetic evangelist. Suppose it could be worse, there are a lot of bums randomly assaulting people. Also disappointed in my coworkers for not getting the reference when I mentioned a politician here in Toronto once wanted "a final solution" to the homeless problem.
  13. Tropico games have felt the same since 3.
  14. They are also planning stuff with Homeworld - I guess Blackbird will do some stuff there. Reminds me to finish DoK
  15. Knowing Gearbox, their remaster will probably make it worse.
  16. How Californian
  17. Barring us finding out the Illuminati were behind this, don't expect much to be 'untold' at this point
  18. Yes, but in this case the humour is because it's a bonkers conspiracy theory
  19. I will regretfully give Randy money for co-op with buddies
  20. German history looks interesting
  21. Not quite sure I want the Lord of Destruction working on my car..
  22. So apparently they record a sexual assault in the tally when its reported and that doesn't change regardless of what happens later - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_Sweden#Swedish_rape_statistics
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