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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Maybe people will stop whining about Epic with that.
  2. Serious metal.
  3. Find it amazing how much one meeting can do to sap my will to go on at work. Then I remember I have FOUR of them tomorrow.
  4. Would hate to be the guy that made that mistake. Naturally, this proves Epic is Evil and this was Chinese Intel op
  5. https://www.gog.com/news/bgog_galaxy_20b_all_your_games_and_friends_in_one_place_copy3
  6. Well they wouldn't do that, obviously, just wanted to bash Alabammer.
  7. Simple solutions sometimes are rarely seen.
  8. Well, cheaper games is better for me. But I doubt it'll really get 'worse' than it is now, plenty of people go out and grab it Day One and pay that price or pre-order, etc.
  9. So the problem is publishers will have to drop prices, if this continues ?
  10. Shame they didn't have the show's character marrying their sibling, would have gone well there.
  11. https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/phoronix/latest-phoronix-articles/1100545-spectre-meltdown-l1tf-mds-mitigation-costs-on-an-intel-dual-core-ht-laptop Effect of mitigations. Must be interesting times at Intel's engineering department in all this.
  12. Back to destroying my wrist in D3 with the new season. Really should play something other than a DH.... Nah. Also got Arma 3's Apex expansion on sale, so maybe will screw around with the editor.
  13. Hating the Agile way of thinking at work. Okay, unfair. But essentially is this https://blog.frankel.ch/agile-cargo-cult/
  14. Not quite sure it is cowardice so much as laziness for most people.
  15. Sopranos, Dinosaurs, DS9, B5. Beast Wars had a good ending, wrapped everything up neatly more or less.
  16. Complaining about games being devalued seems a bit too late.
  17. Would have been nice to end with with Daenerys' Great Crusade.
  18. All part of the Illuminati's plan.
  19. https://www.pcgamer.com/players-are-flagging-wow-classic-features-because-they-think-theyre-bugs Ah, these people that think they know vanilla. :P
  20. Hey, that's job creation.
  21. You assume they will care about that if it's what they want to hear. Like Pai's feedback gathering.
  22. He'd have 56k at least/.
  23. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/05/white-house-unveils-new-tool-to-report-censorship-by-social-media-giants "Yet too many Americans have seen their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for unclear 'violations' of user policies. No matter your views, if you suspect political bias caused such an action to be taken against you, share your story with President Trump." Guess he wants to hear from every asshat edgelord about how they were banned from a forum
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