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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I guess, a lot of what makes their employer is out of their hands though.
  2. For the rank workers though, would their reputation really be hurt by this ?
  3. People still work at Bethesda and EA right ?
  4. Nah, always get more down during Christmas, not sure. Maybe I miss the mental trauma of exams at school
  5. Ahh ok. Hm, ok, 60€ is too much to reward a company for shipping a janky product. Who does CDPR think they are, JoWood ?!
  6. Well if you're buying it for spite, does it really matter if you can play it? Just give CDPR your money Eh, it's how it goes. Everyone's very binary in their approach or seems to be - the game is a moving masterpiece, etc. or it's total dreck that does not work. Well, at least one good thing from this is maybe people will tone their affection for CDPR down to realistic levels. Also, you are blocked for disrespecting Blade Runner.
  7. Did the Arasaka ending, that was pretty grim. Didn't get the achievement for it, strange. EDIT - Ah, it is linked to Takemura 53 hours spent on it. Feels like I have done everything I would have wanted to, the gigs seem repetitive to do and only side jobs I have left are the boxing ones. I did like the one that has you chasing routers of someone spewing philosophical BS
  8. Ah ok, could have sworn I chose properly there. Guess I have a whole lot of stuff to replay, hah.
  9. Cyberpunk is down, I still feel drawn to knock off the side jobs. My friend is still playing, so that keeps it in my mind. Should go finish Secret Files, am in Ireland now, trying to get some dude out of a well. Odd puzzles here
  10. Usual Christmas blues starting up, so that is fun. Christmas week is always an interesting week at work, either has disasters or whole lot of nothing. Hoping is latter, but hope is the first step towards disappointment
  11. Well, city is not fully realized, there are a lot of people who've complained about it. But it's serviceable. Oddly enough one thing I was disappointed with was the soundtrack, only the credits song and V's theme caught me. That Pain song on the radio though was great I understand people being upset as they were told it would run on their console and it not actually doing so. But eh, it's people hating on a corporation, should not bother anyone Was hoping to get the secret ending but looks like I didn't bond with Keanu enough. Probably too low level anyway, my mage would struggle in the Matrix Lobby shootout, anyway.
  12. https://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-may-face-class-action-lawsuits-over-cyberpunk-2077/ Really now
  13. 9 gig download, too. Downloading it off GOG now, so assume Steam is the same.
  14. But it is amusing to watch.
  15. Sadly nothing will come of this.
  16. Or they'll just go back and ride the Witcher IP some more. People will eat that up. They do have decent enough writers anyway, I actually cared about some characters in this.
  17. https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/37166/hotfix-1-05 Patch notes, looks like hefty amount of fixes. Finished the game so was watching the credits, the phone calls were a nice touch, got a bit of a snicker when they listed the QA folk. Got the good ending, well good enough as they'd give in a game with this setting.
  18. Reputational damage to CDPR will be a lot. Then again, gamers have short memories.
  19. Everything can be fixed. Maybe one more year of making people crunch.
  20. Came back to mind, only time I've ever felt sort of sad to finish a game.
  21. One thing cyberpunk fiction got wrong, our slang in the future is a lot lamer than they imagined.
  22. Got Johnny's gun and car. The car with these driving controls is a pain, has too much acceleration. Shame the gun can't be silenced, but I guess that would against the supreme douchebag's style . Guess I will be finishing the game off tomorrow or tonight, not really in the mood to grind through all these gigs. River's romance is kinda out of nowhere, that questline was enjoyable. Always good to see decent folk in the setting. Game's been pulled from the PS store - https://www.playstation.com/en-ie/cyberpunk-2077-refunds/
  23. Jeremy Bulloch, actor for Boba Fett
  24. CDPR doesn't exploit their fanbase enough really. Fertile soil left unused!
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