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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sort of a nothing burger.
  2. Good luck, Guard Dog
  3. Well not that boring. I am a Sex Weirdo though. Pretty much these - https://www.framesdirect.com/jaguar-33578-eyeglasses?color=3&affiliate=25&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_content=free google shopping ads&affiliate=25&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwL3ykay17QIVCKGzCh3bzwE4EAQYASABEgLg5PD_BwE
  4. Letting her pick was the first mistake I pay about $500 for mine every 2 years or so, insurance covers about $300 though. Hard to find boring frames these days though.
  5. Plugging along in WoW. They've gone far in the time gating, sort of funny to see how criticism bounces all over the place - some outraged it's grindy (while cherishing vanilla for...uh...not doing that) and others angry not enough grinding. I am enjoying myself though, making progress and not taking too much time. Torghast is pretty boring for me, but maybe my gear is just crap. Secret Files has some weird puzzles for sure, I can shoot a guard with an improvised blowdart, but I have to lock him in a room first rather than just drop him unawares while he (in my game invisibly) tries to fix a satellite dish. Probably have to subdue the other guard by sic'ing hordes of rats on him somehow.
  6. Easy. Hate your job that much.
  7. Hannock saying Brexit was responsible for the quick approval (EU is slower, therefore worse), was pretty funny. Health Canada's going to decide on the Pfizer vaccine in 2 weeks or so, although debatable where we are in line to get it.
  8. At long last, we can exploit the British instead of the other way around.
  9. He should have played Max Payne.
  10. Americans do love their violence though. Best hide the boobs though.
  11. Bunch of edgelords in here.
  12. Surprised Trump's not selling black red MAGA shirts his cultists can wear
  13. EU was edgy ? Dumb for sure. I did like the superweapon creep of the Sun Crusher
  14. Better order one now, should be in stock when I build in 6 months.
  15. https://www.cleveland.com/open/2020/12/ohio-tea-party-leader-urges-trump-to-suspend-the-constitution-declare-martial-law-to-hold-new-vote.html "Zawistowski said, "We wanted to express our concerns to the President, to the legislators, courts and Congress that We the People will NOT cede our exclusive Constitutional right to elect our Representatives to judges, lawyers, courts, Governors, Secretary’s of State, Congress, corrupt election officials and local politicians, the corrupt media - or Leftist threats of violence! It is OUR EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to elect our President and that sacred right has been infringed by the massive, planned, illegal election fraud conducted by corrupt Democrat/Socialist Party operatives across our nation to steal our vote. We will NOT stand for it."
  16. Collapsed today - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arecibo-observatory-radio-telescope-puerto-rico-collapses/
  17. Thankfully not that kind of game
  18. Lubricated a jack with butter in Secret Files, that was a funny puzzle. Sort of surprised I thought it the first time. The light puzzle in this game was annoying, was grousing about it to myself on the third attempt and somehow did it by randomly clicking so that was ok. Story's taking a while to get interesting, well, if it does at all.
  19. Yeah, I tried rewatching it and didn't catch me the same way. Will just leave that with the nostalgia of my youth.
  20. Sort of funny to say idiocy warrants death, considering who his boss is.
  21. Had a meeting with an external client on Teams, forgot all about my avatar : Probably should change that to be more corporate appropriate. One guy has Tom Cruise though, so really, the offensive bar is pretty high.
  22. They need education camps, you mean.
  23. https://www.pcgamer.com/empire-of-sin-review/ https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-11-30-empire-of-sin-review-intoxicating-but-overwhelming Looks somewhat mixed. Worth getting on 75% off in...6 months maybe.
  24. Well RIP still applies.
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