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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I suppose, but a vote for something not there is a waste, you'd might as well have abstained and saved the paper.
  2. Well or for Kanye.
  3. Surprised AP hasn't retracted their call of Arizona.
  4. Are they going to burn all the old ones ? That'd be a nice touch (and proper way to dispose of flag)
  5. But the world left them behind long ago. We are the future!
  6. Strange times
  7. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/navycon-2020-a-tickets-125821115343 Is propaganda-ish, but might be interesting.
  8. https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/election-2020/denver-voters-overwhelmingly-pass-ballot-measure-to-repeal-pit-bull-ban One bright spot.
  9. I think that was the confusion, well or lying by some people saying it was just 138k for Biden, when it was part of a larger batch.
  10. Doesn't seem that sketchy, if Democrats preferred to vote in that manner more than Republicans.
  11. In Milwaukee, they counted ~170k absentee of which ~138k for Biden.
  12. Well he'll have to go golfing some time. Then they just change the locks. But if he loses, his authority has an end date so.
  13. Well it means budget cuts, so ...
  14. Doesn't seem they were so drastic, possession now gets you a small fine or sent to rehab.
  15. Deponia down. Had trouble with some puzzles, mostly forgot to just harvest every screen and figure stuff out later though. Still hate the character but the story was ok, setting was nice. Time for the second game, apparently this is the best of the four
  16. I picture this
  17. Shame they re-elected that homunculus Graham
  18. https://twitter.com/SalehaMohsin/status/1323839724063252483
  19. US election infrastructure seems like it should be much better for a first world nation.
  20. Well, that figures I guess.
  21. The speed at which bank management moves is always impressive to me.
  22. Such are cultists.
  23. Strange that Indiana and Kentucky close their polls at 6 pm, seems too early.
  24. Was a funny situation where client insisted on having a meeting to describe an issue I already fixed. So join the call and ask him why are we having this. He says he booked an hour off for it and needs a break from other meetings
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