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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.wired.com/story/lucasfilm-games-star-wars-ubisoft-indiana-jones-bethesda/ Ubisoft working on a total conversion for Division 2 :P
  2. Secret Files developers have a decent sense of humour, finished the second. Third is going to be a drag, but I endured Dreamfall Chapters, so can handle any POS
  3. Yep, just nitpicking. There is the chunk (well or all) of the data they were scraping from the site, so not all lost. Pretty brutal oversight with their 2FA, if that's how it worked. I suppose these people will be moving on to Telegram.
  4. Well, he confirms a Parler executive said so. Sort of a silly point to use, given how few they've arrested on day where the cops did so much wrong and how many actually should have been. But yeah, decent article, always sort of hate the tone he writes in, heh, though not as bad as Fisk.
  5. Oh yah, I don't think he'd be the kind of cultist to do that nonsense. Was more a joke on some of the lyrics in Megadeth's songs - guess Washington was next
  6. https://www.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idUSKBN29H0EZ Good times for TMSC. Not sure why I'm reading some seeing this as a threat to AMD's supply though.
  7. https://www.nme.com/en_au/news/music/iced-earth-singer-jon-schaffer-among-trump-supporters-who-stormed-capitol-2851835 I'm more surprised Mustaine wasn't there.
  8. I am excited
  9. Good way to get beaten with the vacuum cleaner
  10. From what some of the "protestors" were saying, think it's more than just those 2 - I think Wisconsin and/or Michigan are suspect in their minds ? Course there was one guy that said "all 7 swing states" were stolen. Times like this you wonder where the education system failed.
  11. Wonder what percentage of the invaders were actually arrested. Pretty sure Greenwald's incorrect there, but I guess even he can be blinded by axe grinding. Been some pretty funny videos out there of them reacting to being added or kicked off planes. Funniest one today was an AA pilot telling people to settle down lest he drop them off in....KANSAS CITY.
  12. As he said, they also do it to not lose money which they, in AWS for example, decided was better to do for Parler's amount as opposed to others. Although would be interesting to see how that would have played out - would be a boon for Azure I would guess. Not sure they are in the situation where someone has made it impossible to serve them - in the case of approaching new vendors, those vendors' ability to say no is more clear cut as well. Imagine if Alibaba were to host them They are suing AWS though - https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/29095511/1/parler-llc-v-amazon-web-services-inc/ Sort of weird to see marketing in the actual court document.
  13. Maybe Trump will remember where the briefing room is. Sure is a useful alternative. But at least Angela and Emmanuel have his back here - https://fortune.com/2021/01/11/problematic-twitter-merkel-france-trump/
  14. https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7apnn/your-****-is-mine-now-hacker-locks-internet-connected-chastity-cage-demands-ransom
  15. https://www.zdnet.com/article/firefox-to-block-backspace-key-from-working-as-back-button/ So very overdue. Happens a lot when I'm entering things in JIRA.
  16. Which game is this ?
  17. Almost done Secret Files 2, really hate playing as Max - not sure why, must be the voice acting or the puzzles in his sections. So far it's about on par with the first game. Definitely worth $2.
  18. Levelling crafting is a great experience, roaming around to exhaust every vending machine in the city. Did make me wonder at who is filling up the vending machines in some dark hideout in Pacifica or even better a transit stop in near the middle of nowehere in the Badlands
  19. Trying to get level 20 blades, so I've been running around slashing everything but I've plateaued at 17, not really sure what more I can do. But while the lvl 20 perks would be nice but I wade through everything anyway. Using the Sandevistan to become Miles Teg does yield funny results where I get stealth points for running into a room with it on and killing everyone before they notice me.
  20. Not quite as the user's reported though, unfortunately, but seems like a really poor idea to not use GUIDs on their part. Also in the absence of 2FA, wasn't failing safely. So will stick by my teasing of their quality. They made it easier to scrape the site, for all that is worth I guess.
  21. That's why everything I post is a lie.
  22. Maybe Parler being offline is a good thing
  23. They didn't even have enough riot cops on hand, think the incompetence is too much for them to have fancier tech deployed.
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