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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. What are you talking about ? But the only value I've seen from Stirling is just seeing who he's wound up more than anything.
  2. Well hopefully he pisses off some CDPR **** riders with it, then at least it'd be useful.
  3. Bureau of Land Management
  4. People still on about BLM being terrorists, I see.
  5. Suckers.
  6. Gimme Danger (I am liking their use of song names for missions, Big in Japan should have been a bigger mission...) seemed to bug out. Killed a guard but someone with no LOS then saw the body. Mission got weirder after that watching the AI on alert basically all run to one spot and stand around, did make sneaking somewhat easier but still ended up having to gun everyone down.
  7. The conversation with the doll was nice. Will say they do a good job of making you care about some characters. Felt good to kill Placide.
  8. Well then there's the PTSD commando who clips through the floor so you can beat her unconscious easily. But then you can't help her out Did a funny side quest to get some old records of Johnny's (Keanu's voice acting is pretty hit and miss I am finding). Also slept with the corpo chick from the 1st Act which...really seems to be out fo the blue Also following up on the performance, I upped it to medium and with my 980 at 1920x1200 I am getting average of 36 FPS.
  9. The dialogue system is nice, where you can have a conversation with two people at once.
  10. I have a 4790k, 980 and 16 GB and it runs ok on low. Seems to be ok on Medium as well, but I've not tried it a lot, will try that and let you know.
  11. Every sneaking session ends in outright boring gunfights. My kung fu is weak
  12. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/529832-ppseudo-states-new-california-and-new-nevada-back-texas-lawsuit God damn NCR.
  13. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-africa-israel-north-africa-morocco-4279242f6f688d242bad5c7a64e29caf I guess Morocco comes out better in this deal.
  14. You've got Project Manager written all over you!
  15. The God Empress of Mankind
  16. Got stuck in scan mode somehow in the middle of a gunfight, so was stuck dying in slow motion. Also this game's implementation of a car radio system is probably the worst I have ever seen.
  17. "Youth Suicide Fantasy" some "investigative" movie by a Christian group in the US on the evils of rock music, I believe.
  18. Trying valiantly to care about any of the tasks I've been assigned today. Not really working. Of course my teammates who add no value other than "You fixed it, yet?" are a great assistance. Sadly you can't use .gifs as avatar's in Teams. I'd use :
  19. Haven't watched all the pre-release media, but Jackie's going to die right and we get a MENDOOOOOOOZAAAAAAAA!!! moment ?
  20. Doesn't really seem like anything exceptional to me, feels like I am playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided so far. I can't wait to get a sore finger holding down the scan key as look over a room for evidence/loot/etc. Was nice to hack people's vision and then shoot them in the head repeatedly. I honestly thought something was wrong when Jackie invites me for lunch and then next thing I see is a montage sequence of us doing all this cool stuff.
  21. So other than the graphics, how's the game for everyone ?
  22. Well, have to run on low. Getting near 60 fps at least with my 980 and temps are not too insane.
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