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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sort of sad to watch really. And Parler seems to have discovered there are other web hosting services out there - https://www.businessinsider.com/parler-website-is-back-online-2021-1
  2. Endured 2 hours of finance training, realize why I hate this business.
  3. Hm, so any forum moderation would be illegal then.
  4. Seems like a Ghillie suit is a poor choice of outerwear for a protest in DC. Well or even storming a building.
  5. Does show how feeble the PC master race is if their raging accomplished little
  6. Probably will be that stuff in state capitals. But maybe there will be some idiots that will try something in DC.
  7. GD always reminds me of this
  8. Certainly passionate about it.
  9. Well, the woman is Rep. Lauren Boebert so it's not totally out of nowhere.
  10. Call of Duty marketing is getting nuts these days.
  11. Hurlshot IS Q.
  12. For some reason I'm reminded of Phillip Glass. Which is probably unkind to Fripp et al.
  13. There's also the guy that has 2 password guesses to get $250MM
  14. Got Star Wars Squadrons for free. It's ok, so far, still trying to work the controls (really hate the UI for some reason) to my liking - how said is it I recall the control scheme to TIE Fighter without having played in 20 years. Did try some MP which was so so, wasn't too laggy and didn't get matched up against people too high level or anything to wreck the experience.
  15. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErpA8-_WMAUDNfV?format=jpg&name=medium Hopefully not like a Star Citizen Roadmap...
  16. Senate reconvening on the 19th, as well, so maybe they'll kick him out 12 hours early at best, heh.
  17. Climbing towers will be easier with Force Jump.
  18. They changed (well, or clarified depending on how charitable one wants to be) that to "upgrading" over a decade, no ?
  19. I hope they televise that trial. Maybe he can argue that he brought the lectern with him.
  20. What's with the reference to "Godfather III". I mean the movie wasn't so bad as to be part of some grand conspiracy.
  21. Colloquially it used as an insult though.
  22. Always amazing the kind of bickering that goes on here, when you consider what can actually come from it.
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