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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. He'd be like DU weaponry. Bad effects in the long term.
  2. Secret Files 3 gets marks for a creative set piece, Nina has some Esper like dream of the past where she is to find information to solve the mystery, can rewind time and not be seen.
  3. Don't give him ideas...
  4. SOP for couriers here, DHL has earned my ire for doing this repeatedly. Not sure if that is better or worse than the UPS guy throwing a package 30 feet at my door, though.
  5. I'd say much Kyle did much less than Gallagher or the two that killed a Green Beret.
  6. In some ways it's simpler. You can tell a SEAL is a a SEAL when he never stops telling you he is a SEAL.
  7. I think service in the regiment is the way to be a "Ranger", so you can be one without the Tab from the Ranger School. Seems like getting the Tab is an expectation above a certain rank in the regiment.
  8. Send Me No Flowers. That was a pretty funny movie, leaving the TV on TCM by accident works well sometimes.
  9. "When Sollenberger reached out to Cotton’s office for a comment, his spokesperson, Caroline Tabler, replied, “Senator Cotton graduated from Ranger school and is more of a Ranger than a Salon reporter like you will ever be.” That response is so hostile it's actually quite funny. Does sound like a situation they should be clear on, not the first time I've seen this confusion either innocent or not, even some active duty people are saying getting the tab means you are a Ranger, others don't. Heh, also a lot of comments bigging up the 75th which remind me of reading BHD where the Delta soldiers regard the Rangers as incompetent.
  10. Consider your audience, people still think isometric is best here, after all...
  11. The world would ignore it like it is the Ethiopian conflict.
  12. "In the complaint, the former lawyer also asks the court to protect him from being taken into custody for his actions during the insurrection." Article saved the best part for last
  13. Have to run a training session for some team in India. Given what was given to me, I'm tempted to just present them a config file and
  14. This supposed palace of Putin's does look pretty nice though.
  15. 1999 I was still using a 33.6 kbps
  16. Check out this guy, 1999 and he had that fast internet
  17. Probably more Waco than Jonestown, if anything
  18. Apparently from complications with West Nile Virus - https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-55763658
  19. I need to finally get around to watching Jormungand, I enjoyed Black Lagoon. And really need to add more decent anime to my list as there's stuff like Ikki Tousen and Killing Bites on there
  20. Surprised no anime thread here.
  21. Well, I guess the person that said it was one, but the sentiment behind it is still pretty valid - fixing symptoms is great, root causes is too uncomfortable. I hate this ****ing prosperity gospel bull**** I always see peddled.
  22. Or Demolition Man.
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