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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Russians have competent people, shocking
  2. We are all living in the past here.
  3. ""When I heard about it, I called Jerry and asked if he would come help us out," Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie told CNN. "After he looked it over, he said, 'There's your problem right there. It's backed up because you have one person checking people in.' Then he showed us how to do it right."" They needed a professional for that, huh.
  4. Well, suppose all nudity is gratuitous, but stuff like her reporting to her boss who can't take a break from banging a woman was pretty funny.
  5. Some intelligent people are not wise.
  6. Found Ninja Scroll on an old DVD, good old 90s violent anime with gratuitous nudity. No wonder it was one of the first anime movies I'd seen in Canada
  7. That double tap dodge resulted in my failing Sinnerman, as my bumping into the convict was seen as an attack and the cop then opened fire on me. CDPR will some day learn how to make a proper UI, for sure. Dragging myself to the end of Secret Files 3, switching characters seems pretty contrived at this part, but I'd heard the ending was rushed (maybe they ran out of money or time?)
  8. Sounds like JFK getting assassinated worked out well in the long term. They owe Ted Cruz's dad a medal.
  9. Got a bit of a laugh when we had a proxy issue at work, Reddit was clear with the backup's filtering but this forum wasn't. Guess CTO wasn't a fan.
  10. Story of Secret Files 3 certainly went places. Apparently the constant of Pi has schematics for a machine of some sort with great power.
  11. Looks like an actual coup - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55882489
  12. Shame he's not FInnish. Then that'd be a sensible way to look at it.
  13. That's History Channel at 9 pm, once they've run out of reality shows.
  14. Two different things though, market regulations and Congressional regulations, no ? But they should at least change the regulations, US still acts as if transparency with short selling is a bad thing. Europe does it fairly differently. In the course I have to take for work the instructor is very grouchy about EU regulations "reducing liquidity", heh.
  15. Cops in Russia have some cool looking gear.
  16. The Illuminati must be resting easy.
  17. Where are you all watching it ?
  18. Or make them celibate.
  19. If true, my opinion of the people behind the movies has fallen even lower
  20. Is always a good sign when an author starts a new series before he's even finished his first
  21. Wasting my money on trying to see how Kloos' Frontlines series ends instead of something more useful like cocaine. The latest book isn't even 300 pages, and is so meandering so far, I really enjoy hearing about the new gear or other military trivia.
  22. I think the quest to rescue Saul has a timer, he buys it if you don't start in 24 hours. That quest has a funny bug last time I ran through, snuck in the exhaust pipe and got to Saul but couldn't trigger progression until I "entered the warehouse" by sneaking back up to it.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/blackrock-may-raked-2-4-160353188.html Interesting to note BR had so much. Maybe it's WS ****ing over WS moreso
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