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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hey, there's a niche dating app for everything. Can use "Timber...for when you've got wood" for the ads. Need to make one for cRPG fans.
  2. Hey now, why were you on Tinder ?
  3. Tinder.
  4. Well, think of it like celebrating July 4 1776 when all things were realized once the war was won.
  5. Doing some work today, the term Byzantine really describes our application some times. Function A calls B, then calls C. Easy enough, except B also calls C. So validation in C gets called twice, except A modifies the relevant values in between the calls so one will pass correctly and the other just fails as well. Now I could straigthen this out, or just roll with it and make illogical recalculations before the function that is to do the recalculations.
  6. Think I will restart Nexus The Jupiter Incident on easy I truly have regressed as I recall motoring through this campaign back in '04, bleh. Still pretty fun game, even if the current state seems to have some severe bugs, luckily I avoided the mission where others are having CTDs so they can't progress.
  7. No, just pass time reading inane conspiracy BS and inevitably always seems to end up being some anti-Semitic nonsense. Stating he's a figurehead and asking who's really pulling the strings with not much else does sound like some QAnon tier stuff. I do like some QAnon people thinking Biden is secretly controlled by Trump or something, second favourite to the Clintons being Illuminati-tier power level, heh. People have an aversion to some things in life being really that simple. Of course it's silly saying Putin is a killer. But that is stuff said in public, and it sells well with people he needs it to. It's like working in a corporation, people say and do a lot of things that maintain a reality no one actually believes in Saying two people should have sex when they spend their time sniping at each other is a fairly common joke and regardless of genders involved (well or even if one is a program, we used to tell one guy that about emacs ), at least in North America. Not really seeing the homophobia here, really, but have to pretend you care about these things as well.
  8. For some reason this came to mind I watched way too much Simpsons. Did you point out the irony of a flea market not wanting dogs ?
  9. I'm sure if Internet Minds dig deep enough, the conclusion will be
  10. They need to remake Speed, but with Keanu Reeves as the bomber.
  11. Or worse, they can call you Australian
  12. Have to work the weekend, getting some sweet overtime. Pretty much all I can do with it.
  13. Naqoyqatsi
  14. https://steamcommunity.com/games/1091500/announcements/detail/3042717759905569253 "According to our survey over 30% of all Night Citizens experienced an irresistible urge to burst forward for no reason and the majority of affected people admitted that it put them in danger of falling from a high place. Manufacturer claims that the glitch is caused by a lack of perfect synchronisation between the user's brain patterns and the neuroprocessor." Hah.
  15. Diplomacy is weird sometimes.
  16. That made me curious if there's a giant statue of Christ in the US, like Cristo Redentor or something, given the prominent role Christianity has there. Did find - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_of_Kings_(statue) . They made it out of Styrofoam, what a disgrace.
  17. Yep. Unfortunately, we can't get local admin on our laptops. So I have to watch WIndows eat up my hard drive with logs, old installers, patches, etc. and can't even run the Disk Cleanup tool without bothering IT for it. I get the point, but is annoying. Let me shoot my foot off, damn it!
  18. Yep I miss the Control Panel of old. I used to just have a root user and a normal one and do things that way, of course on the current PC I got too lazy for that.
  19. User segregation's a good security idea, though just causes headaches. I need to build a new PC I think, should start picking parts (that I can actually buy)
  20. Nah, not random. Tear down every Confederate one. Won't fix anything, but neo-Confederate tears is a resource we must harvest.
  21. For a man, it has to be tactical But yes Piers Morgan is someone that needs to be immolated.
  22. You can spend that on the DLC.
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