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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. The Hong Kong joke was good.
  2. Yeah, something involving baseball that won't make you sleep.
  3. I'm sure cutting 80MM out of the CPD 1.7 B budget really hurt them.
  4. For some reason had thought Chicago was less people than it was, Portland seems a bit ahead. Although I think in terms of absolute violence Chicago is way far ahead. St Louis, Detroit are about that bad. Editorial is pretty on though, although managerial type statements usually are This is a handy site -https://heyjackass.com/ More cities should have their data up in a format like that. Lot of people get shot in the ass in Chicago..
  5. Weird example to choose Portland, they're pretty far back from Chicago, much less Mogadishu or something. As for talking about that, why not, although said monologues here would be unproductive.
  6. Sports is heavily tribal anyway, can't really see politics making it much worse. Surprised Republicans love this bill, allowing the State to just replace local officials.
  7. Man, US healthcare is rough...
  8. Finally someone made Pantera suck less.
  9. Can see a lot of people pretending they are from there, yes.
  10. Got half my family vaccinated, rest will be done by end of week. Only my expendable ass has to wait until summer
  11. Better stop the kids from watching football too. Can't watch a game without Ray Winstone's exhortations to "ge' in de action" from my memory
  12. What we need is bullet control.
  13. Guess we'll see what effect Easter has in Texas. Also, Austin's still under mask mandate, and people may be wearing masks because they choose to.
  14. I guess the officers feared for their lives.
  15. Millenials will do the same, except they'll just be wearing turtlenecks and jeans.
  16. Some dialect of it, yah. Status update : I have not managed to learn this song. Also my dogs do not care for the song.
  17. QA knows how to read an Out of Office status, this was a developer Today's objective is learning how to sing Snow's Informer.
  18. Took day off, came back to a slew of Teams messages from one guy in India messaging me every hour with "Hiiii....".
  19. Hm, Megadeth should be banned for all the mass murderers that posted their songs.
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