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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Booked my appointments to get vaccinated, so that's one task done. Also remained conscious thus far through my work day, so there is that.
  2. My Brno side in FM are the Kings of Czech football, halfway through season, 9 points clear of nearest team and have a 30 GD And all of this with a 17 year old striker.
  3. Reminds me of - https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/roughriders-beef-1.5288976 "The post on BeefProducer.ca by rancher Adrienne Ivey said that seeing the Roughriders symbol in the commercial made her clench her teeth in frustration and broke her heart as a beef producer and a sports fan. She wrote that the commercial was a "direct slam to the hard working, dedicated, honest, beef producers in Saskatchewan. The very people buying Roughrider tickets"
  4. Yeah, conveniently a Hamas HQ. IDF's bombs are truly advanced, whatever they hit they transform it into Hamas right beforehand.
  5. So...your hubby is studying the blade, you say
  6. My dream was more interesting, especially as I know how it came about. Dreamed I was in some version of some city in Serbia going to a grocery store. Except everyone was speaking Russian as the clerk was telling me something about store policy and my bags. It was the conflux of the clerk at the grocery earlier telling me I have to put all 14 bottles of water on the conveyor, doing my Russian lessons and finally falling asleep watching Death of Yugoslavia on my phone.
  7. True it gives me something to say in my performance reviews.
  8. They used Kanye for Jacob, right ?
  9. Didn't say it did, heh. Just that you can't just add deaths based on "if". And yes, that was what I was laughing at, the story being presented. On bright side the violence in Israeli communities doesn't seem to be getting worse, just random beatings. Some sort of irony may have hit people as they decide to target ethnic groups within their communities, perhaps.
  10. Death tolls are death tolls. And Iron Dome was only deployed in 2011, Hamas has been firing rockets since 2001. Rockets have improved, in range at least but they're still unguided.
  11. Hamas doesn't really seem that successful. The news here showed us Palestinians burying dead civilians and then Israelis burying an IDF soldier, I guess those were equal
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2021/may/13/israel-launches-ground-operation-in-gaza-after-days-of-airsstrikes-follow-updates IDF entering Gaza. or at least just attacking from the ground.
  13. The potato genre is fertile ground for developers.
  14. There are a lot of potatoes in the game, no ?
  15. Log on, have 3 PMs jump me all asking the same question about the same project. My company sure is strange sometimes.
  16. Cannot let my hair grow long, turns into an afro. The annoying part is it touching my ears and also messes with the fit of my glasses. Now I give myself a buzzcut at home - most of the time I don't turn out looking like Aryan Nation wannabe. $120 for my Oster was a good investment, might keep doing that when things reopen - $25 saved each month that way.
  17. People keep paying for them, so is a good move I guess. Added bonus for me are gamers whinging about people making stuff they dislike :P
  18. Fire is always the answer
  19. And a good portion of them were German too.
  20. Last day off, I rather enjoy this not having to work thing. Sadly means back to work tomorrow and the pile of crap no one undoubtedly has tried to help me out with.
  21. Nothing can top "This is for....THE CEO" though
  22. Nice trailer music, hopefully some 40k fan is upset they didn't use death metal. Will wait for a sale on it, myself.
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