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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Using IoT for card readers doesn't seem that outlandish, FB has an immense number of employees - I guess they also have differing levels of access for staff too. Does seem strange to not have a fallback if the system is just dead (then again, not as if reporters would highlight that anyway). It will be cool to read an AAR of all this though.
  2. Seems data all scraped. I keep Facebook around mainly as a glorified RSS reader and to show off my dogs.
  3. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/10/facebook-instagram-whatsapp-and-oculus-are-down-heres-what-we-know/ Some FB network engineers having a very bad day.
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-58767230
  5. Can get 100TB for $40,000 - https://nimbusdata.com/products/exadrive/pricing/
  6. Act 3 sucked even more than Act 2 did in D2R, huge zones, annoying enemies. Did laugh that I just walked in and ambushed myself with Mephisto. Real exciting fight, standing in front of him Charge Striking his ass until he died. And all he dropped was barbarian gear too, bleh. Should have gone bowazon.
  7. Transforming your enemies into memories is more efficient.
  8. Duriel was indeed an experience
  9. Not if you work for an Intelligence agency
  10. Is also an easier pay day. Works for games!
  11. What various peoples around the world call "@" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At_sign#Names_in_other_languages Disappointed the German isn't something like "an a almost enclosed in a circle"
  12. No Euler's number ? Seeing that means you're an engineer
  13. Almost done, that Arcane Sanctuary was a pain in the ass, especially with my rogue merc getting lost every so often. One shotting the Summoner was funny, didn't even realize I killed him.
  14. Well, of course it would be. They're in Wisconsin.
  15. I prefer the Wheel of Tamie for my Cheesy fantasy.
  16. Bored as well in D2R, must just be that Act 2 sucks, heh. Didn't play that much of it back in the day, so am really approaching it fresh. Remaster is pretty well done though, game looks good, sound good.
  17. God created Australia to test the faithful.
  18. In Dark Heresy, we were confronted by a door. We began breaking out the shotguns to breach the door when the DM said "Did you try the handle?"
  19. Chris Roberts was behind the WC movie too
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