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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, think they'll stop before the Jews. Maybe. Muslims though....
  2. also works
  3. Some genius decided having teams compete by seeing who can close off the most items was a good idea. Now some drama has unfurled as some team took another teams items and closed them, thus stealing them. Was funny as I have the same first name as the team lead of the supposed thief, I log on to find an endless stream of snarky Teams messages and accusing emails until someone realized it was the wrong person This happens too often, really, I come on and find people talking to me about some random crap because they can't read.
  4. Looks like TA, one of the units is a dead ringer for the Intimidator from TA. Music sounds like someone was a big fan of Klepacki. Not a bad thing to copy in either way, though.
  5. Surprised I didn't hear of this game.
  6. 1984 is always warning people about the other guys.
  7. Not the greatest cinematic they've put out. Hopefully is a 'simple' game, no need to mess with all kinds of systems.
  8. By that time you've cashed the cheque and changed your forum name to Not Melkathi.
  9. On PC, yup. The new season gimmick's not all that appealing to me, I really liked the previous two, ethereal weapons and the soul shards should have stayed in the game.
  10. You can always fake it.
  11. Well not so much, if I recall correctly, they had less ships than NATO so decided that their ships would have to operate better by themselves and thus be armed way more than an equivalent NATO ship would be. I suppose all ships are glass cannons before the weaponry - have to meta tank the hits as in, don't get hit rather than shrug it off like a battleship. Sort of curious how an Iowa class or something would take Harpoon hits, hm, will have to look that up.
  12. Probably had a word problem saying "Mohammed can ride at 5 miles per hour..."
  13. Well, to be fair if your tank's going to get hit by an ATGM and there are enemy infantry, you're going to have to chance it and run before said MGs regardless of how well your tank manages the hit. Soviet philosophy for ship design is something else though, the "more dakka" approach.
  14. You don't know some of my professors
  15. Well, you do learn to cope with stress and terror.
  16. Well, that is a strong indication it's a fantasy. First, they teach CRT, then white genocide.
  17. Well, on bright side maybe they did manage to save more than the ~50 I keep seeing about.
  18. https://www.fldoe.org/newsroom/latest-news/florida-rejects-publishers-attempts-to-indoctrinate-students.stml?fbclid=IwAR3VmsKzNvJawEfuD5t5k315p0An9SLOs7TcBgkokQ9P8Iw31Ka1IPnl6CI Seems pretty skint on detail, so pretty sure the CRT is just a boogeyman
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