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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Been playing Operation Flashpoint and Space Empires IV. With regards to the first, does anyone else have trouble seeing enemies in that game, I've got lousy vision so that might be it, but jeez, can't see those pesky Russians.
  2. Jeez man, you must really hate them to wish that upon them :D
  3. Where's all this hype though ? CDP made an announcement for a product they're putting out, not like they're pushing TV ads and so on.
  4. Yeah, not seeing what's ridiculous about this. They're issuing a free patch and bundling some fan made adventures, pretty good support from the developers. Some of the comments on the codex don't make sense, talking about the 'hype' for this - it's a fricking newspost, heh.
  5. Sins of a Solar Empire. I've always liked 4X games, so I'd give this one a whirl, it's fun - not as much as Space Empires IV though.
  6. Meh, a swamp. I'm guessing we fight cannibals and zombies.
  7. They need to make a game about Don Quixote next.
  8. I hope they get it right and we're not given another EMI - disappointing, not crap, but not a gem like the others. Anyway, at this point any MI beats no MI.
  9. Yep, looks pretty good - bunch of the LA folks are on it. LeChuck looks wrong though, but meh not a big deal. A Full Throttle would be fun, but I can't see it working as Conrad is dead.
  10. I've given up on X-COM as I suck too much at it - can't end a terror mission without 90% casualties, argh. Playing Sins of a Solar Empire and Forged Alliance now, might go back to a nice slow game of Civ II though.
  11. I always liked this one from WIC. It's also an in-game cutscene.
  12. The latter is known as the Spike TV demographic.
  13. Well hopefully they'll show us Lore Marines - as unbalanced as they would be. Then we could Falcon punch an Avatar of Khaine, heh.
  14. Not on PC ? Heresy I say. Still, if this plays like the leaked video I saw before...a giant meh. The video had the marine unloading a bolter into guys and just stunning them, so he could do the OMG KEWL finishing move. But, will wait to see how this pans out - an Assault Marine would be pretty fun to play, heh. It'd be nice to see a 40k tactical game - like GR with bolters, given the emphasis on squads among Marines.
  15. That version is the Windows one - I guess- and doesn't play well with DOSBox. Did manage to, uh, find, a DOS version though, so I'm back in business, hurrah.
  16. Tried X-COM. Well the version I got in 2000 on a PC Gamer CD, it runs sort of ok on XP. Fun little game, forgot how unforgiving it can be...and how utterly scary a night mission can be.
  17. That's a bit of a stretch to start diagnosing psychology, heh. The kids in there are pretty damn obnoxious especially their Mayor or whatever the hell his name is, and it does seem they were there as a joke. Don't get how a place like that can survive, really, food-wise and militarily - you'd think the SMs would have crushed them first or some raiders would show up.
  18. Don't think he was being an asshat, people just have writing styles, I guess. I agree with child-soldiers in a game, certainly does add to the setting and people might appreciate the gravity of blowing away a child (even if said child was aiming a rifle at you) - although the latter's wishful thinking. As for killing a child because you're playing an evil bastard, that's all fine as long as someone comes to collect, so to speak. I have a suspicion we'll be told to change topics, soon.
  19. It'd be neat if you could (after all, what kind of psychopath spares kids but murders everything else) - but as everyone else has said that's not the case. Given the violent ways you kill people already (dismemberment with a pistol, woo) killing kids would seem like a negligible change in the offensive meter, but..eh, that's people.
  20. Repeatedly reload the tab for this forum to see if it was up. Thought it was just my ISP the first couple of hours.
  21. True, but you miss out on a lot of fun games that way, generally you're right though. I still regret giving Vegas 2 a try - total waste of money.
  22. Played far too many really, WoW, WAR, EVE. Glad to say I'm MMOG free!
  23. It'll be like FO3. But better. Or something.
  24. Can we still laugh at John Romero ?
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