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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. You might have already done this, but have you tried using TurboPC to slow things down ? Quite strange to see that, it's run ok for me on my C2D system with no trouble. EDIT : Whoops you solved it already
  2. Not saying much as Modern Warfare has the emotional content of a wooden Keanu Reeves. I guess someone liked Shughart's little bit in BHD, hehe.
  3. Good Lord, go back to your owl avatar rather than...that...thing.
  4. It means Bioware is seizing control of your brain.
  5. I've never actually seen anyone here get bashed on for liking Fallout 3, or anywhere. Aside from posting praise which will obviously lead to a blow-up. Maybe people are over-sensitive ? Definitely seen some people react strongly to any criticism of the game, as people do with any game. But yeah, I blame all these dirty untermensch people that joined after NV was announced
  6. This forum would be pretty boring then.
  7. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....
  8. Someone's looking forward to DX3 ? Huh. Anyway, looking forward to AP, FO:NV, Civ 5, maybe Starcraft II, and the Witcher 2 (that's quite a ways off though). More games I'm anticipating this year than any year recently, interestingly.
  9. The joys of the industry, at times. Pays to wait for prices to go down, I guess.
  10. Pessimism is always the wisest course.
  11. Playing a good bit of Rome Total War. Probably should try the realism modification though, my legionaries are like Space Marines in some fights. Still conquering the Mediterranean with the Scipii was good fun. Squalor sure sucks though.
  12. It'd be nice to have no feedback for attacking targets aside from reactions or them falling over dead. Then again maybe there is, and I'm out of the loop
  13. Hm, that doesn't sound -too- bad.
  14. Man, this makes me wish Alliance never got cancelled. Also, FBI agents ?
  15. Afterlife 2. I always liked that game, even if it's just Divine Sim City. Good humour on some of the descriptions of the punishments and rewards.
  16. Forged Alliance. Whee.
  17. God, what's with the dumbing down of everything. Grumble. No fuel for aircraft, no adjacency bonus, build templates.
  18. In the Obsidian Forums, there is only..War!
  19. Damn the man that decided image tags were a good thing. A 40k RPG would be nice.
  20. Seems like the only option is to fight the small battles. But that's a good idea though, you can then hold the Ubi employee hostage. Hm.
  21. I really should get around to playing C&C 3. Not a big fan of the harvesting change and the DRM they have, doubt I'll go for this one. Wonder when they'll make RA2 free, hopefully not when RA4's in the works..because that means there's an RA4.
  22. Eh I wouldn't mind this industry suffering a crash, or at least some of the larger beasts falling.
  23. And here's their spin on it - http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/02...details-drm.ars
  24. Reload my razor so I don't lose any vitality. Most likely.
  25. Posting under the influence of drugs is bad, mkay.
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