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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. You know what would be very funny? Yahtzee reviews it and praises it. Then again, he would be doing that just to troll. Well that would be funny, still wouldn't take it as credible in any way. He'll have lots to complain about from his POV, I think - the combat being RPG-ish, the minigames being tedious, probably complain about the voice acting too, and the character of Thorton.
  2. Even if Yahtzee plays it and complains about it, will that really matter ?
  3. Why is it out of the realm of possibility though ? Guards can be bribed, companies can be infilitrated (Chinese, anyone?), or heck they could just have stolen them from a warehouse.
  4. Whoops never mind, idiotic question. Winamp's auto-tag is surprisingly helpful.
  5. Any idea what the song is during the ending cinematic ?
  6. Wait, wait, I know the inevitable answer someone will give you to this, so at least I'll anticipate him/her/it : doesn't that mean that trailers are indicative of a game's quality? :sorcerer: Here ? Don't you all love Bioware something fierce ?
  7. That was a bit unexpected. Never actually played any of the Dungeon Siege games, though.
  8. Huh? Havent you read the preceeding pages with links upon links of starving children and nuns? It could even be argued that Egypt is MORE responsible since far more goods can be carried over land then sea. Oh, sorry. Thought you meant in the media rather than this particular forum.
  9. Yep, Dragon Age's trailers were pretty crap.
  10. No gnashing of teeth over that because no one died recently related to it. Bleeds, it leads. Pretty sure there are some people out there complaining about it, you're just not hearing them. But yeah, it's really poor Israel.
  11. Amazing how buzzwords work.
  12. Crazy people.
  13. Got my Germany shirts all washed. Indeed my life is exciting.
  14. I never said you called me whiny. Just see it as silly to label any negativity as whiny, dismissing people are just being "haters" or whatever the hell the current meme is today Someone has to have been taken, be a really good consumer or just wanted the game already to react to a CGI trailer that way. I've already seen several posts on another forum where one claims that the trailer indicates that the end product will be good as it shows it's a labour of love. Host of other reactions to the trailer which border on the ludicrous are on the official forums as well. By all means, believe that I'm already negative about this game and that the only way people could like it is if they're tricked, though. All in all, what's wrong with being cynical where corporations and PR are concerned ?
  15. Weird, I'm not contributing to the hype at all, none of us posting here are. How many eyes do you think come across this thread and what do they add to it ? User Malcador being negative about this game isn't going to carry very far. Some of "day one purchase!" cries may lead to people believing it's good because some dude online on a forum said so, though. It really is a trap though, not that cynical, just looking at it reasonably. Nice touch adding the "whiney" though, heh. Gotta remember to check avatars for hints
  16. Not really seeing what's the issue about being cynical about advertising. Just thinking about it, it's foolish to fall for it. Anyway, aren't cynical internet man and sarcastic internet man the same man ? Seems to be most of the time
  17. Yeah, deep man.... Wonder why they like Vegas so much, developer mentioned they're going to have the shooting aspect be similar to that game, no stats affecting gun accuracy either.
  18. I've yet to find a game where waiting for my health to regen hampered me in any way. In Vegas 2, was pretty common to run out, get a burst of fire and almost die, cover and heal, while I killed the foe. Regenerating health does work in the DX setting, augmented human and all. When you're just some schmuck special forces guy, eh not so much. In any event, Eidos claims (heh, right) that the health regen in the game will take a good bit of time to kick in.
  19. Gunther was certainly a one-man army as well. He couldn't really blend in to a crowd very easily though. And of course he was a psychopath. Yep, but given that a trenchcoat works as it seems and he can cloak, bah, why blend in. Come to think of it, not sure if they ever state that the mech program was terminated in favour of the nano aug one. Should replay the game.
  20. Hm, fair enough. Just came to me watching that one man army at work. Assuming that your PC can actually do all the "zomg cool" crap in the trailer anyway
  21. And boy am I glad it changed!
  22. Good trailer. That's about all. Wonder why they bothered with the nano-aug if that guy can do the stuff he can, though.
  23. I remember that drain being a real limiting factor for the most of the game during my playthroughs.
  24. Did anyone expect them to use IW as inspiration? Who knows, I'm not in the developer's head. But it's good PR to say you're drawing on the better loved predecessor. Will obviously wait until I play a demo (pffbt, unlikely) or get feedback from a valued source on it.
  25. Well, did anyone expect them to say they were using IW as inspiration ?
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