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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Tribes 2 was innovative for me just because I could see my legs.
  2. Never tried that. It could be pretty fun though, I loved Tribes, still play it, but will have to see if I can justify spending monthly for it.
  3. Of all things, WoW. 4 manned BWL with my friends - Chromag was a PITA, but we eventually got him down. Nef was a piece of cake. Gotta farm that for the Judgement set.
  4. http://www.destructoid.com/new-tribes-announced-by-hi-rez A Tribes MMO. Hm...
  5. Hah, hardly. Almost all the senior people I've ever worked with have been douches. Must be some requirement for advancement as a developer : "Must be a prick".
  6. Now if they'd only make the AI less kooky.. It's sad, or maybe I just suck, that I really didn't generate an addiction to this Civ.
  7. Why do you think that's a bug ?
  8. Possible "HD'd" Deus Ex, too... Thank God, I can't play it on today's hardware.
  9. I guess we do. And your definition is the incorrect one.
  10. Hm, not really. I see plenty of dross when I browse Steam and look around in stores. The market is so much bigger now, so that makes sense. I still disagree that many of the classic games are crap, though, even accounting for my personal preferences.
  11. That's too weird.
  12. Eh ? Which 'classics' are crap ? There's as much if not more crap out there right now than there was back in 97-01.
  13. Yay more prequel sequels.
  14. Nah not declined, just that most of them don't interest me that much. Well, since more people started playing I find myself in the minority for preferences most of the time, seen my favourite genres just die or disappear (sims and adventure games), seen game series that I did like get..heh..adjusted (R6, GR, SupCom). But luckily I can keep going back and replaying or playing old games - played Anachronox for the first time last year and liked it.
  15. Eh, rubber necking happens. Never been around anyone dying from trauma, but was kind of neat to see the cops leave a shirtless corpse on the patio next to our office once in 40 C heat, heh. Understand them not helping, if you have no confidence that you'll help due to no idea what you're doing or whatever.
  16. Is this game really a buggy mess like people are whining about ?
  17. Operation Flashpoint Red River Because I like laughing Codemasters. :D
  18. Got Quel'Delar in WoW, sucks that I didn't get Quel'serrar when it was easy to at 80 or 70, bleh. Then I'd have the whole set, eat your hearts out elves! Other than that, should gear up to get FO:NV.
  19. Not really, 2/10 for AP showed what a BS artist he is, so anything from him is meaningless. Still though nice to see the reception is good, albeit maybe some of it is residual shine from FO3 on the reviewers. Guess this is worth a purchase.
  20. Pft, EVE and its scams have enhanced my paranoia.
  21. Nah that's old.
  22. 5:20 or so into the video, maybe ?
  23. What if I hate you right now, can we play together then ?
  24. Time to wait for the GOTY edition.
  25. The original, can't find a reference for it, but Spector disliked the theme that plays during the menu but at that point they were nearing release so they let it in. He changed his mind after hearing it (either that or saying he thinks it sucks would have been poor form).
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