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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Maybe enhanced security too
  2. Sony's should be interesting.
  3. I'm excited.
  4. I'd kill for a TB FPS.
  5. What, he has Youtube too, I assume
  6. Apparently it got nabbed due to a Steam account violation. Hm.
  7. Syndicate to be an FPS
  8. Force 2011 sounds like some DARPA project.
  9. Convenient too, generate buzz, any and all flaws can be written off as "early build issues" and you get feedback (if that's a concern).
  10. Malcador


    So when did Manuel Almunia decide to play goalie for the Bruins ?
  11. Looks like it's worth trying. Bunch of people on the official forum talking about it, reception seems positive.
  12. Spending the rainy day with my laptop and a C++ book.
  13. Bahhh the prologue is too easy now
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0
  15. Those were pretty infrequent for me, only happened once during the dragon fight. Seemed to happen a lot if I just stood and watched the opponents for a second or two, at least from my (shoddy) memory.
  16. True, was being nitpicky. I guess this is LP on a boring Sunday material for me.
  17. I dunno about that, works for CoD, Halo, etc.
  18. Patch 1.2 is out
  19. I had forgotten all about that game. Thankfully.
  20. Heh, yeah, reading the manual might help the PA people. Not as fun as a PDF though.
  21. Sounds like a bad Hollywood movie, but badass indeed From BBC: "Pun could never know how many enemies were attempting to overcome his position, but he sought them out from all angles despite the danger, consistently moving towards them to reach the best position of attack". They made the mistake of attacking a Gurkha and he went on a rampage, firing 400 rounds, 17 grenades and manually detonated a claymore at them, just to proceed to start beating them to death with his tripod when running out of ammo. Lucky for them he didn't get angry and drew his Kukri Codex : Gurkhas
  22. Shocking.
  23. Oh neat, Privateer
  24. Should have expected that.
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