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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. MCA is writing some of the followers.
  2. I've been sick on and off for two months, so tired of it. Good thing I don't smoke anymore.
  3. My Stepmom put her cat in the dryer once. Weeeell, cat jumped in it and didn't want to get out. So my Stepmom closed the door and turned it on for few seconds with no heat on. Cat loved it.
  4. That's hardly a story. ME1's story, as silly as it was, was much better, with a villain, support cast, build up and a twist. ME2 is just support cast, support cast, support cast, support cast(granted, best written support cast in last 5 or so years). Unless something drastically changes after IFF mission.
  5. Still need to do loyalty missions for Samara and that Thane, but so far I'm really digging this game. The story is non-existing, but the character writing is good. Love all of the reminders of my my choices from ME1 popping up everywhere. Kinda wish there was more "consequence" for them. Combat for me is a lot more fun than in ME1 - I'm playing as a soldier, and I find myself constantly switching between different ammo and guns. In ME1 I just walked through the levels with my shotgun, pwning every living thing.
  6. Apparently Alpha Protocol is like Crackdown! http://kotaku.com/5468587/alpha-protocol-i...s-looks-deceive
  7. Well, all Massive Attack albums are heavy on collaboration, this one included. It sounds somewhere between Blue Line/Protection and Mezzanine - gloomy and moody, but not as dreadful as Mezzanine. It's not as much of return to their classic sound as Portishead's Third was, but it does emit the same Massive Attack feeling as their first three albums. It is absolutely fantastic. After the failure that 100th Window was, it's a delight to hear something this good. Must have for any Massive Attack fan.
  8. Still too late, scans are already on the nets. Sorry.
  9. IF there are any trip hop fans here, new Massive Attack album is out. And it's phenomenal!
  10. we're about to fall in recursion here, friend. I say let's stop before we destroy the universe.
  11. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...t&p=1011161
  12. Finally got to play it over the weekend. I'm 8 hours in, got Jack, Garrus and that hyper salarian. So far it seems similar to be to ME1 what KOTOR2 was to KOTOR1 - evolved gameplay, much better writing, darker atmosphere. I'm really really liking it
  13. I'm sooo tired of ME1's planetary side quests. But I really want to have level 60 Shepard for ME2
  14. I posted a screenie of Tabitha on NMA forums. It's in news comments, but since it's a scan I won't link to it, you can find it yourself
  15. I've been dissecting the trailer ever since I got the HD version downloaded I really need to get over this by monday, i got work to do
  16. Anyway, so what's with that fog? It was the first thing I noticed, when I watched the trailer in HD
  17. Just thinking out loud. My first kid was born in September of 2008. God, I need to stop thinking about F:NV.
  18. One nice things about 2010 is that i'm not expecting any children this fall
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