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Everything posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. gee, wonder who that'd be? the hell? no seriously...huh?
  2. first time i noticed the comedian it was that joke and i spit chex mix all over myself. frikkin' brilliant.
  3. well they certainly release things. i guess.
  4. seconded.
  5. never played the originals, i take it. this is the difference: why childish? it's a pretty standard method of fighting...to momentarily cripple your opponent. sure it might be a "cheap shot" but there ain't nothing funny about getting hit down there to me.
  6. all your VATS are belong to Bethesda.
  7. oh snap! that looks beautiful!
  8. hehe, yeah. of course. but my point was it can be equally as daunting as it is rewarding. anyway, it's been quite awhile and i was planning on giving PS:T another run-through anyway. this is just a great excuse to actually do it now. also: "If you do not attain happiness, always remember that you are on the right road, and try not to leave it. Above all, avoid falsehood, every kind of falsehood, especially falseness to yourself. Watch over your own deceitfulness and look into it every hour, every minute. Avoid being scornful, both to others and to yourself. What seems to you bad within you will grow purer from the very fact of your observing it in yourself. Avoid fear, too, though fear is only the consequence of every sort of falsehood. Never be frightened at your own faint-heartedness in attaining love. Don't be frightened overmuch even at your evil actions. I am sorry I can say nothing more consoling to you, for love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared with love in dreams."
  9. true. i'd rather be playing Sanjuro, to be honest.
  10. well, crap. there goes a few more hours of free-time which i don't have. guess i'll be replaying ps:t again (never thought i'd be saying that. that's like saying "well, looks like it's time for the annual Brothers Karamazov reading!").
  11. i think it was Malcodor who said it earlier...but i liked how FO2 handled interconnectivity just fine. strictly speaking on this topic alone, FO2 had upped the ante for quest structure and any natural adherence/progression from FO2 would be fine with me. i don't think anything more or less is necessary as long as the quests are fun, meaningful and chocked full of C&C. what i don't want to see are the majority of quests be fetches or dungeon crawls. but i like how Obsidian handles things like this anyway, so i'm not very worried. I noticed that too. I chalked it up to a desire on the part of supafans to be against whatever it is that Bethsoft was doing. well you can count me out of that demographic which you're either seeing or imagining seeing. i certainly don't want a linear quest with no room to breath. i thought the MQ in FO3 was much too rushed. once you started going down that quest there wasn't much that distracted you away from it into other interesting branches of quests. i really liked the spread of the maps of the original games which is to say i liked that early on you become aware of other towns and gradually become aware of others but never are you told "this is exactly where you should go next" so while you're on you're way to find one person or go do something you happen upon another settlement with it's own curiosities, quests and importance. i don't want a straight up sandbox/wasteland exploration simulator like FO3, but i certainly don't want a strict linear quest like KOTOR2 or M.E.
  12. i've said it before and i'll say it again: Sawyer and MCA having a free "Reload, 1-Up, Do-Over, etc" and not taking advantage of it would be a travesty of truly epic proportions.
  13. absolutely! oh man, long before FO3 came out we were all having these types of hopeful (and mostly unfulfilled) dream-conversations and one of the threads was about C&C (something i'm really hung up on, if you haven't noticed). i mentioned what you just mentioned, CG, and somebody said "well give an example of what you mean" and i forget exactly what i said, but it was something simple but effective like this: you enter a small and humble farming community. they need you to either settle a debt with or clear out a nearby settlement who are harassing them. you go to the nearby settlement and learn that this farming community has been stealing from them. they make a similar proposition to you (notice how thus far neither settlement is inherently "good guy" or "bad guy"). now, depending on what choice you make...a certain path is going to be closed to you. and later on in the game something will happen be it a sought after item, a guard with connections who otherwise would have let you in to an area is now either hostile or unwilling to corporate, and maybe even some sort of item from one or the other settlement is needed in a later quest which now has to be solved in a different way since that item is no longer obtainable. just shooting off the hip here, but more elaboration on this theme would be the kind of C&C i'd love to see. because i tell ya, when i talked smack to Thomas Moore and delivered that briefcase to Bishop i slapped my head, wished i could take it back, cursed myself, and then bowed to the creators of the game for making me pay for my actions! brilliant stuff, there.
  14. not being facetious, just wondering where the lines are drawn in this regard. 'cause truth be told, i have a really hard time respecting this company. ALSO: massive thanks to all involved who helped make this happen.
  15. ruh-roh! looks like another victim of the curse of the Thousand Discussion Thread (yesterday Mr. M. Rorie mentioned the possibility after this thread if we "behave").
  16. Yes. Perhaps when you go into combat mode and shoot Three Dawg in the face, there will be a floating text saying "This ain't the good fight, yo." LOL! yer. that's the impression i've been getting since the Bethie-board days. yes. this has happened to me the past two mornings in a row. and for the most part these longer posts don't get commented on because the topic is changing faces faster than a scramble suit. which is why i've just had to give up on the idea of conversing "for real" until we get a true forum for this game.
  17. no worries, i never felt like you were attacking me.
  18. behave? **** man, i go on tour and trash hotel rooms for a living. behave my ass. EDIT: this is meant for jokes, ok?
  19. this. this is what we've been hinting at for some time now.
  20. what are we talking about, again? world of goo vegas? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................
  21. 's a hell of a recommendation, man. between you and Kharn speaking so highly i guess it's only a few bucks if i don't like it but a whole lot more if i do, eh? sure. why not?
  22. no, no, no! i haven't played it at all. i haven't even seen anything other than a vague description and a few pictures. that's why i was asking. also, on topic: Fallout New Vegas we still know nothing about it and have only one thread to talk about it in wheeeeeee!!!!
  23. have to agree with him. there's just too much chaos within this one thread. no problem. reading that interview really made my day yesterday. a rare attitude from a game developer, no? also...Brother None was going on about World of Goo last year. i don't see the appeal but would love to hear more from someone who does. what you like to see or would like to see? hmmm. (also you know that's the worst of all the strawmen, right?)
  24. well...there seem to be just enough of us every once in awhile.
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