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Everything posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. no. this thread needs more pics of devs fighting minotaurs in mazes.
  2. stfu n00b! oh wait...*ahem*...i mean, pleased to meet you goodly sir!
  3. i propose Fenstermaker now be known as Windowlicker.
  4. lies!
  5. that tweet might actually mean something to me if i knew what things Sawyer thinks is funny (though i can take an educated guess it's a bit higher on the evolutionary humor-scale than a few other people i won't name) but yeah Fenstermaker seems like good news, though to be honest i was not impressed with any of the NWN2 dialogue.
  6. has this already been said: "why the eff is every effing game these days an effing mmo?! is this really teh future of gaming? because the concept couldn't be less appealing to me."
  7. yeah, but...hmmm. maybe we need to speak in code (so teh Bethesdabeast don't notice!) and he'll give us answers. like: "hey Sawyer, whatchoo have for breakfast? eggs and bacon? cool. say...how do you like your bacon? crisp or vatty? oh, cool. ok, gotcha. oh! yeah...um, so did you fix yourself anything special for desert?" or sth. yeah, yeah. whatever. anyway...those tweets are nothing but minor anecdotes. it's hardly "news." lol. i'd be happy with anything...*ponders*...eh, screw it. i'll probably never be happy.
  8. errr...yeah. that seems more like nerd-stalking. no thanks. i mean, if i don't see news of FO:NV at NMA, here or the usual places...then i assume no real news is being dished out. anything beyond real news just seems, i dunno...creepy.
  9. *rolls eyes* surely you guys could spare a fecking crumb though.
  10. yep. and the funny thing is...somehow...some way, i bet i know where we can trace all the billions of "why's" back to. *yawns, rolls eyes, spits up piece of dinner...*
  11. *yawn* 06/10/09 (just marking my daily boredom with the franchise, lack of news, and Obsidians closed-mouth policy)
  12. *yawn* jeez guys, maybe you shoulda waited a bit longer to leak the news.
  13. wut.
  14. oh man it looks worse than seriously bad...it looks downright HILARIOUSLY terrible! also...when is this stupid thing over so we can get some news about FO:NV? since that is really all i care about.
  15. without being a part of the Obsidian team...i feel like i can almost guarantee that FO:NV will be more of a PC port than a console port (if you get my meaning).
  16. *waits for Gizmo to show up and post his Redneck Rampage mod video*
  17. hehe. you sound like a more polite version of me (long time no see btw).
  18. nothing. and probably will stay as such until E3 or sth.
  19. i can has post?


  20. well if Mr. Public Relations didn't take the ENTIRE beginning of my post down, you'd have seen that it's part of the Broken Steel DLC. area to get said quest--->
  21. [i hate gun talk]awww, c'MON! didn't anyone play that aqua pura quest that i was skronkin' about earlier today? this was the first moment since i got FO3 that where i actually got really excited! i'm wondering if anybody knows of any other moments where dialog or gameplay is actually effected by actions like i wrote about in the spoiler. i mean, it's REALLY something i'd like to see in FO:NV and hope to see more of in FO4. it's just the sort of little things like this which when added up always impressed me about the original games.[/i hate gun talk]
  22. yeah well, the point of that post which has seemingly been glossed over was actually an intresting bit in praise of Bethesda fwiw and imo it sucks that we're now talking about something so perpetually banal instead. why is it the PR dudes always have such horrible bedside manner?
  23. so quoting me thus making it appear once again somehow makes sense? dude, just edit it if you're that hung up about me saying anything about a guy who deserves every bit of flak he gets.
  24. those of you who've read my posts know my basic top 5 list of things FO3 epically failed at, but for those who don't, here they are in no particular order: * S.P.E.C.I.A.L. has been rendered almost completely meaningless and is need of serious repairing. * Dialogue - it is, for the most part, the most embarrassing, corny, and predictable stuff i've seen in a long time. * Choices & Consequences - as in "it'd be nice for an RPG, especially one in a series which C&C has thus far been an intregal part, to contain some" * 'Sploshuns - enough is enough already. * A.I. - much improved over what i've seen from the "make fun of Oblivion's AI" videos, but still. the word "Oblivious" comes to mind regardless. now, i know what you're thinking...but you're wrong. this is actually a positive post. i had about an hour to kill last night and flipped the game on (since it's such a time-sink it's perfect for these moments) and came upon one of the Aqua Pura quests. the one with Griffin (don't worry i'll use spoilers when appropriate) the ghoul. i've long held that FO3 is at it's best when it pays attention to meaningful sidequests (re: more than just fetch quests) and this was just one of those moments for me, albeit a very brief one. just about everything about this quest seemed "Fallouty" to me and more so than much of the rest of the DLC and the vanilla game (though they've all had their moments). but what really hit me like a ton of bricks was such a simple thing. something most people probably overlooked or consider trite, but it symbolized something greater to me: it was the first moment since FO3 came out where i actually really felt that Fallout spirit of the original games. now while this may seem, as i've stated earlier, trite to some...i remain confident that if Obsidian and even Bethesda were to be able to pull off these types of meaningful in-game reactions and remain truer to this type of creative humor and atmosphere i'd have a whole lot less to complain about and a whole lot more to be excited about.
  25. unfortunatley this describes 75% of all of FO3. DLC and vanilla game.
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