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Everything posted by BicycleOfDeath

  1. Funny. I play the pretty much anything rated M... and I'm drug/alcohol free. It's because the people in the study were from California. *nod*
  2. Whew, though I was going to hear Hendrix. I hate that guy and that song. Thanks for not singing it.
  3. Quite a warm and random welcome. *is a bit worried*
  4. You gave the OK to tranfer the NWN2 forums?
  5. No, it used to be Crazy Joe but I believe a member here called me Angry Kid Joe when I was moderating and I took that. *thinks* I think it was here, anyway.
  6. Psh. It was last year . . . and I live in Austin, Texas now.
  7. Thought I crash in and say Hello for old times sake.
  8. Probably would've gotten the KOTOR Media patch, and a better quality one at that, if KOTOR2 was an MMO. *chuckles*
  9. Prejudices and ignorance is funny sometimes. It's actually turning out to be a damn good game. Though, you'll have the "They changed this!? IT's not D&D!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!" If you want to play D&D Online the way D&D is written, imagine playing Temple of Elemental Evil with 3,000 players. You know that 6 second round? It'd take a while.
  10. Yeah... they'll be at the BIOWARE forums. Wiskey, Tango, Foxtrot does Bioware have to do with NWN2?
  11. The NWN2 website will have them once updated, I'm sure. As for the forums, I check them once every few weeks. But I'd rather suffer through a forum that feels like I'm on a 14.4 modem than be somewhere where the information should logically be... but isn't.
  12. Yeup, the reason why I moderated Obsidian is gone. So, now I'm enjoying the community from the sidelines. The screenshots are great, as well. Though, some were released that weren't NWN2. That made me chuckle.
  13. How many threads here don't have spam?
  14. Most annoying thing for me was the darkside path options. I'd rather be a very subtle evil. "I'm you're friend, watch me help you. What? I just slew your whole squad for your new lightsabre crystal? Oops."
  15. I'm currently playing Golden Sun, and I have Golden Sun: The Lost Age; what are some other good RPGs for the GBA?
  16. I'm glad I stopped playing it: http://www.rootkit.com/blog.php?newsid=358
  17. We've got Mani-Mod in now so if an admin's not around players can vote for bans and kicks.
  18. Not as fast, there's less morons and more teamwork.
  19. Can't say I disagree... " Though, they have made changes and it's far less inconvenient and bugged than it was before. If you ever change your mind, you're more than welcomed to make your home with us. EDIT: Got FTP up and the new forum graphics are rockin'.
  20. $19.99 if you go through steam \ I do believe it's in the Counter Strike: Source retail at stores. But that's $40. Also, I do realize being the Obsidian boards there's a chance of the "I hate t3h FPS" stuff. But, I have to start somewhere. EDIT: My FTP account isn't working, so if you end up joining the forums, you'll have to suffer with subSilver until it's fixed. BOO!
  21. Since I'm a huge DoD (day of defeat fan) my friend and I decided to rent a server and start a community. If this goes well, I'll probably host an NWN2 PW server when the time comes around. So, if you like WWII FPS (even though it's on steam and WWII FPS have been hammered like mad), are looking for teamplay, and all that great stuff, check it out and lend me a hand with increasing my population ;-) FYI: The forums were just put up today. http://www.pointblankgaming.com
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