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Everything posted by Noviere

  1. Their Borderlands panel starts at 5pm Central time I believe, so I guess we'll know soon.
  2. Damn, I guess I should've watched the rest of those movies...
  3. Holy crap! Paul Neurath is going to Kickstart a successor to Ultima Underworld on Feb. 4, called Underworld Ascendant! http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ultima-underworld-spiritual-successor-in-the-works/1100-6424764/ http://ca.ign.com/articles/2015/01/21/paul-neurath-brings-iconic-franchise-back-with-underworld-ascendant?watch And Warren Spector is consulting on it. Edit: Apparenly he acquired the rights back in July, and I just missed the news... Whoops
  4. Elder Scrolls Online is going Buy-to-Play in March, and being released on consoles in June: http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/2015/01/21/eso-heads-to-consoles-june-9th
  5. The world needs more RPG developers, so I would love it if Spiders could make a game that I enjoyed.
  6. I'm definitely hopeful it will be good. I really liked the world in Remember Me, but the actual game was pretty drab.
  7. I didn't back the original, but I'll definitely be chipping in for Hong Kong. DMS was pretty good, and Dragonfall was really good. I can't wait to see what else they've got
  8. Jennie seems to be talking in circles during the interview. "We are so reliant on these journalists.... We don't even need these journalists now... We need them to change but we do/don't need them" I do think Pakman has done a great job with his coverage.
  9. Anita would likely be a complete unknown if a handful of a-holes hadn't decided to go after her when her Kickstarter launched. Maybe I'm wrong, but I only heard about her because of the abuse that she received back then. The haters made Sarkeesian what she is.
  10. Damn! I hope she's the star of the next AC game.
  11. Dreamfall Chapters was great! +There are lots of things you can look at for flavour text -- most items have at least 2-3 different descriptions. +Europolis is really well done. It's packed with people, and you can eavesdrop on a lot of ambient conversations. +The voice acting is great! They had to re-cast Zoe, which worried me... But the new actress is spot on! Kian? He's good, but doesn't sound like the old VA at all. +Dialogue is good(witty, diverse, funny at times), and conversations have many options. +Puzzles are fairly straightforward. There are even dialogue puzzles(ie: You can't just click every option and expect to progress!). +It's about 5 hours long, and is only part 1 of 5. +The art direction is great. -Some people have had FPS problems. -It's only part 1 of 5(expected release date of #5 is September 2015). -Europolis is confusing to traverse, at least for me. Even with the map kiosks, it was a pain to find where I was going(no compass, no personal map) Overall, it has lived up to my expectations. If you liked Dreamfall, you will probably like this. Now I'm off to play Beyond Earth, which should be interesting... I haven't played a Civ game since 3.
  12. The only explanation my mind can accept for that is a mistranslation... Like, your character meets a person who is struggling with your language and it's played for comedic effect. Or something.
  13. For some reason, I just bought this. Someone needs to take my credit card away from me
  14. I personally think a day/night cycle and NPC schedules adds a lot to a game. It's one of the things that made the world in Ultima 7/7.5 feel so alive. That said, I can understand why it was cut, and I still think the game will be great.
  15. I don't have an issue with Early Access... but charging double the price for the "privilege" of testing their product seems asinine. That's just my gut reaction though... If someone is a super-fan of the series, maybe it's worth it to them.
  16. I think people are freaking out about the the Oculus news because they have been perceived as a "scrappy underdog" up until now. Personally, I don't care really. It was pretty unlikely that I was going to buy one in the foreseeable future... And if this makes VR seem doable to more companies, it might actually advance the tech to a point where I would want to buy into it.
  17. They posted more about Vivienne yesterday. I like that she doesn't agree with the mages who are rebelling against the Circle.
  18. While I don't agree with Volourn's assertion that anyone who doesn't want to play as a gay character in a game hates gays, I do think your example is a bit absurd. I would never feel inclined to watch lesbian pornography, but that doesn't mean I would feel alienated by a game with a lesbian protagonist. Heck, I don't watch straight porn and 99% of the media I consume features straight characters. I still feel something when I watch a emotional scene in movie featuring straight characters.
  19. I'm gay, and while I agree with the broader message of his speech, I cringed when I read that particular example. I'd love to play a game where the main character is gay... but I don't want the acceptance of gayness to be turned into a game mechanic. I've seen people commenting on Heir's hypothetical gay soldier game describing it as an empathy game for straight people, or an oppression simulator. To his credit, he has acknowledged that it wasn't a great example. I personally don't feel marginalized and I have been playing games since the late 80's. If I've continued to play games this long, obviously I don't need for a videogame character to implicitly represent me. I still want to be represented in the media I consume though.
  20. I find it hard to understood why anyone would be opposed to better representation of minorities and women in videogames.
  21. That's who I tend to use/leave behind as well. I think the only time I've ever used Sebastian was when I did the quests specifically about him. I don't mind Merrill, but I usually only bring one mage, and her abilities never felt all that useful. I hardly ever used Fenris. Anders was brought along solely for his healing abilities. That is one thing I really hope DAI changes -- giving us flexibility with the companion abilities/roles in the party. DA2 was so restrictive.
  22. Varric was definitely the high point of DA2 for me, followed by Aveline. Funnily enough, neither were romance options. I am disappointed that Gaider isn't writing the next DA novel... I liked both of the ones he wrote. I've tried to read videogame novels in the past -- a Mass Effect one, an Elder Scrolls one, a SWTOR one, and a Guild Wars one -- and they were all pretty awful.
  23. So they are just asking for a ME3-level fan meltdown, huh?
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