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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Yes, Mkreku... You're learning :D. GRID is one of the few racing games I like, and I generally hate racing games. It's just so much fun, it's easy to access, and plays really well... OMFG! I wish my copy wasn't scratched I played GRID before codies hired me, and infact the Race Driver team decided not to hire me.
  2. It's due out soon, and from what I've heard previously development is going well... Codemasters are moving towards higher quality products on the whole, the expectation as a result is probably quite high.
  3. Except it's a valid thought as Tomb raider does, always has, and always will suck
  4. The camera is probably over-engineered... It's sad. They really should just go with one method, and stick to it and nail that, at most 2 methods.
  5. For lack of a good gameplay coder they got the monkey out of the cupboard that they used for the NWN2 initial release?
  6. Well we appreciate that you tried, at any rate. God knows I've played some games for a lot longer than they deserved, in retrospect. But let's keep the discussion on SOZ! If you really like games that keep the mean-time-between-Yuan-ti-asskicking to a minimum, it'll be right up your alley. How would SOZ be suited to multiplayer? Thought I may play it at work with some folks...
  7. Funny, I don't think all that highly of value or HL, I do believe there are some excellent games associated with source... Regardless I say move along and buy some gum.
  8. OMG! With all the releases of late this one totally flew past me without me noticing...
  9. I seriously never bothered with NPC's in FO, it was always about the solo experience, NPC's were just cannon fodder, they'd most certainly always end up dead and quickly.
  10. It was rewritten piecemeal from GoldSource and I think by HL2 it was completely Quake free, but the engine's structure still resembles it's granpappy. Anyway, I like Source, and I REALLY like it in Left4Dead. I found it to be very well optimized now as well. My 8600GT pulls it off at full detail. Expert is a bit hopeless though. You need to find 3 other good players to have a chance, and I know no such people. I tried 6 times on the subway with 2 different groups and we never even got to the end of the tunnel. Source is a sloppy, crap engine. That said, Left 4 dead is very very cool.
  11. People have very low standards if they think FO3 is "pretty".
  12. No, but I did want to stick my gun in her mouth
  13. I demand chainmail bikini's, and dislike all games without scantly clad women, because I am a leacherious sick pervert AMEN!
  14. That causes it's own restraints, and makes progression already more of a nightmare than it is... I don't believe you really thought about the impact of what you're saying before you said it... Think about it, and you'll see it is almost 100% impractical. Baldur's Gate is a good example. You go around and attack a bunch of townies and a bunch of powerful guards and war wizards show up and deal with you. You attack Gorion or any other key person in Candlekeep and they show you how powerful they are. There's ways around it. Everyone is killable in BG but you pay the price for attacking key people or innocents. At certain stages you will always need unkillable characters. Like I said it's causes restraints on what you can do outside of that... It's not impossible, but it's costly to implement, and questionable as to how worthwhile it is in most games. Depends on the depth of characters, style of story delivery etc... etc...
  15. The only way to do that is to make all characters generic, basically you recreate the character as another character. You need another character to step into it's shoes and fill the gap. It is otherwise utterly impossible to create an experience which stays coherant.
  16. Can it but done? naturally, that isn't my dispute. My point is about the extra work caused by doing it... That has a chain effect which effects the final result and overall design, it actually causes it's own restrictions. Fallout 3 kind of handles this, but it still results in you being unable to kill children for example. It's a pass the buck thing, all it does it move the problem elsewhere, and really you need structure over absolute freedom so as to ensure that quests etc... Don't become broken. You also end up with much larger requirements on the whole. To be brief and to the point, it ends up making more sense to just have the character unkillable so as to ensure the game still allows for some amount of control in regards to being able to finish the game. What use is a broken game? What's worse is allowing the player to break the game, that's poor design, and the more situations you allow for the longer the list of requirements becomes, you eventually have to go for very generic characters with little to no complexity at all, and what I mean by that is that they're merely a character with no interaction at all. Now you do have scope for solutions sure, but you also have a budget which you can't really change, at the end of the day you have to ship.
  17. GTa IV has a fairly decent fidelity for an open world game... you're limited by how much you can stream, the PC can do higher res textures due to everythinge being dump to HD opposed to streamed from disc and decompressed on the fly.
  18. *sigh* That ain't GTA 4. Really though the larger an open world city the less fidelity you can have, simple fact really. The PC version will just be an uncompressed dump of the Xbox disk from an asset perspective.
  19. That causes it's own restraints, and makes progression already more of a nightmare than it is... I don't believe you really thought about the impact of what you're saying before you said it... Think about it, and you'll see it is almost 100% impractical.
  20. I'm sorry but I really DON'T go around reading all your posts in every thread. I actually played the game, before I purchased it. I loaned it from work for 2 days, I could have kept it longer, I could have finished it and kept my hands on it for months and months. I chose to buy it. Do I buy every big release? No, some of them I will wait for. Do I buy every big RPG release, you bet ya I do, every single one. I was trying to be polite. Do I value your opinion in respect to making choices? No, I suppose some individuals do, personally I find it entertaining. That's when you actually contribute to the forums properly instead of an unreasoned unexplained "NO". Don't, I never said you should either, but you're missing a gem... But that said you've commited yourself to hating it now, so maybe you should keep your 80$ and just rent it. I sort of meant to the forums as a whole. You know you could have ignored it all... Really Volo, all anyone is saying is that you should play the game. Nobody has said that you should buy the game, borrow it, play it at a friends, rent it, whatever, but go take a look and inform yourself correctly and atleast then when you say you don't like it or even want to know about it, you can say why etc... And it's not based on second hand info. End of Volo I won't say another thing about FO3 to you in any thread, well unless you start talking about FO3 because you've played it.
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