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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. If you have balls of steel you won't have to worry about any unplanned pregnancies. Might have a problem getting pass airport security though. Not in Manchester...UK
  2. I wasn't aware you ever left your arm chair... Seriously, I may respect your opinion, but cultured and enlightened aren't words I would use.
  3. Quite simpley, I was stating that the islamic world has fallen from grace. To cut to the chase, in the dark ages, the islamic world could be considered more civil than it is now. I do not intend to tar all with the same brush, I have infact had the pleasure of knowing many moderate muslims. These people give me some hope. By the 'Islamic world' you really mean the Middle Eastern world. And yes, even 100 years ago it was more civilised than now. Wahhabism and similar extremist lines of thought spread like wild-fire in that area the past century. I distinguish 'Islamic world' from 'Mid East' largely because that is the way things are; Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Albania are all clearly Muslim dominated and yet are by and large developed, civilised countries (Lebanon was on that list till Hezbollah got involved - it was the Switzerland of the Mid East). Heck even the North African Islamic countries (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco) are a cut above what you find in the general Middle East area (Yemeni, Somalia, Pakistan and Iran included). Reading properly, it seems that Visceris already made this point quite clearly, yet you chose to ignore him and push your prejudice instead. Nice. I'm not playing, I'm too tired, maybe tomorrow. BTW: Now, call me an idiot or something...
  4. well, you did directly say that WE were destroying our host. you even went on to anthropomorphize the earth by calling the damage a "wound." or we adapt? taks Well I did say we're a virus with shoes... This is mostly because I find the concept humourious. I'm sorry if I mislead.
  5. Quite simpley, I was stating that the islamic world has fallen from grace. To cut to the chase, in the dark ages, the islamic world could be considered more civil than it is now. I do not intend to tar all with the same brush, I have infact had the pleasure of knowing many moderate muslims. These people give me some hope.
  6. Where's the Islamic golden age? Apparently, during the dark ages, we were just as poorly advanced as Egyptians. Also, loving the SCIENTIFIC ADVANCE sidebar, truly an objective measurement. No humour? Oh well... Ahhh the Islamic golden age, before they became crazy brainwashed explosive freaks of nature. Quite reasonable, at the time, for a religious lot.
  7. Those who state belief as fact offend me. One can percieve belief in many ways, maybe a person believes in god, and I believe in one less god than he does, or perhaps christians should accept the existence of all gods, otherwise their own is infact unjustified. GD was stating facts about his personal beliefs. I thought that was pretty clear. You really don't need to be so hung up on it. I share his opinion, and I have a lot of evidence to back up my belief in God. GD was stating he knows for a fact that God exists. Truth is he doesn't, he has faith and belief like every other god bothering self rightious ****. I wouldn't be offended if he had said, I believe that God exists. I've always loved the arguement, "The universe exists, so God must exist", it is the arguement of intellectual dullards who fear the truth, and what the truth may indeed be, nobody really knows, but those who place a belief in God, well huh, may aswell believe that rivers flow because of water sprites and fire burn because of fire sprites. *sigh*
  8. Who said anything about me actually having the belief that global warming is occuring due to man's intervention. No, my opinion is more that if this is infact the case, and we cannot address it, then well.. f*** humanity, looks like we fail.
  9. So it's an acceptable self-dellusion? Well unless you're one of the initiated, and then well you know, because you've had it proven to you... It's all against reason. love. honor. beauty. faith. none o' the aforementioned gots any objective reality... is all pleasant self-delusions. at least for Gromnir, those things worth dying for... those things worth Living for is all no more than self-delusion. we do not feel the least bit diminished by our admission o' self-delusion. HA! Good Fun! Sure, deluded as we are... Perhaps delusion insulates us from the simple harsh facts. Maybe not. I'm merely questioning many concepts. Delusion can cause both creative and destructive consequence, what is what, is in turn entirely subjective.
  10. Those who state belief as fact offend me. One can percieve belief in many ways, maybe a person believes in god, and I believe in one less god than he does, or perhaps christians should accept the existence of all gods, otherwise their own is infact unjustified.
  11. So it's an acceptable self-dellusion? Well unless you're one of the initiated, and then well you know, because you've had it proven to you... It's all against reason.
  12. Why not start with yourself? He does have a logical point. If all humans are worthless then by inference YOU are worthless. Me I chose to believe that many humans are awesome/curvy. I don't agree that it is a logical point. I never said human's were worthless, I don't believe we are, more implied that if we continue the way we are, like a virus, destroying our host, then aye... We'll go down with the ship and we deserve to as well. My point more specifically is that if our leaders cannot percieve this threat, and agree to tackle the threat, then we deserve as a collective species to die. If power, and greed, and money, and political weight is worth more to humanity than survival then f**k us, we are so blind, so ignorant of our suicidal path, so selfish for the moment, that no thought is paid to the future. If we do not do something about the wound, we're going to die. WE fail, and we deserve our fate, because we choose to not save ourselves for all the wrong reasons.
  13. There are two things that you know for a fact? Well okay I could maybe buy into number 2. Number 1 has me though, so I'm calling your bluff... PROVE IT! Define greater being? This is very confusing for me. Even if I accept the concept of a "greater being", the fact it has some kind of judgement over me screams that the greater being is a tyrant, tyrants cannot be greater beings so the greater being is a lesser being, with more power, thr power to punish. I think Tyrants should be opposed, hence I oppose the "greater being." Only I know my thoughts so surely only I can answer them... It would first require my thoughts to not be my own, and if that is indeed the case, then we end up with the greater being Tyrant, again. Even if all prayers were granted, it has invaded what could be deemed to be my personal space so to speak. Well, far as I know my subconcious is making most of my choices before I'm even aware of them, so screw free will. Well I suppose we all get to find out eventually. right? Well more, maybe, on account to the fact that so many denominations believe so many different things, who knows who's right. Someone somewhere is likely to say you're screwed. We're all screwed w00t. Oh so your so called fact, is actually some subjective experience? What about that tyrant greater diety figure your was on about, ya know the one that knows all my thoughts, and may send me to hell if only we could figure out which rule book is correct? And.....
  14. It's totally down to Hell Kitty to put what he wants on his top 10 list, sure, I won't argue... It's his choice. I'm trying to figure out WHY, what is it he likes so much that despite it's broken design he still percieves it as worthy of position in his top ten. It doesn't matter really, but I spent a long time playing dead rising, it's a bad game with some good points.
  15. You do realise that Dead Rising is a shining example of a *broken* game. Killing zombies is awesome, but everything else is so damn painful. A good second to second mechinic doesn't change the fact that everything else about it is poo.
  16. "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill Yeah, old Winston said it better than I ever could.
  17. But such nice shoes they are. Don't. Change. Jack. S***.
  18. Oh please... I like b00bs, I like pictures of b00bs, it's all win. Quit your whining.
  19. You betray your own beliefs. You are nothing! Ei. You're not reading my post correctly. I shall clarify. If humanity wipes itself out because it can't stop being petting, humanity deserves to die. Sulat
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