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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. I've been predicting it... http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2010...s-in-first-half
  2. if you mean Dead Rising, that game is bad design period, it's terrible on every possible level FACT!
  3. I don't agree, while it wasn't challenging and you could even say it was cheesey, it certainly isn't a terrible boss fight. c'mon, a human/alien crossbreed straight from Contra or Metal Slug, that doesn't do any damage and dies in 5 minutes, that's not what I'd call a boss I like contra... I thought it was fine. I admit, it could have been alot better, but the moment felt great. But I swear down, any boss from dead rising, that stuff makes my blood boil. You can only beat them by gliching 'em because the game is so borked...
  4. I don't agree, while it wasn't challenging and you could even say it was cheesey, it certainly isn't a terrible boss fight. Any of the psychopath fights in dead rising, NOW THAT IS SOME BAD MOJO!
  5. Post-processing is basically real-time image processing, so stuff like HDR, colour grading, motion blur etc... Are all post processes that occur on the image. It's an alteration to the frame buffer after the scene has been rendered, so disabling post processing is basically viewing the rendering without an additional tampering. Merely lighting + texture art. That said it doesn't look like they're doing much with it... Seems like an ugly game period.
  6. Well, atleast you don't downright hate it. I think the onslaught of negativity on the Codie forum is a bit of an overreaction, to say the least. Seems to me its just a bunch of driving sim enthusiasts, who for some reason expected a 100% simulation experience, I don't believe that this was ever on the cards, there will always be a small hardcore niche, be it D&D, F1, whatever, and there is always a number of them who will go mental over the smallest thing that not 100% accurate. Frankly I think the Birmingham lads did a great job, considering how long they've had to develop it, its their first iteration, so it can only get better. No game has ever been perfect on release, my experience with NWN was shocking, but I didn't go on their forum and refer to the dev team as a bunch of idiots. I've seen a couple of games get released, and scratched my head at the reaction. Some people just want to troll and cause trouble, and others want to offer constructive critisim.
  7. Well, atleast you don't downright hate it.
  8. Nice jacket, all you need now is a haircut and you're good to go. Once Bodycount ships, I intend to.
  9. Imagine if Steam had done this. The world would have ended. HAHA Actually this is a valid concern of mine... if Value or Stardock pulls a DNF and ends up in chapter 8 (lets just say for the sake of the discussion it happens, not debating the odds of such) what happens to those of us that have bought games on the service? With impulse at least I can archive the installed games and reinstall them locally as long as I got a copy of impulse still to manage such. Steam from my understanding if the service goes down the games stop working... While I bought many games via impulse and I had to install steam for civ5 (don't get me started on that) I am very apprehensive of this model. As you have a vest interest in the company staying afloat. If it does not you just lost all those games you bought. Valve already have a system in place, should this happen with Steam.
  10. May want to check your monitor drivers, but yeah NWN2 has no issues with widescreen.
  11. I think you need to look closely at what I wrote.
  12. Hell, I'm tempted to BUY IT for you...
  13. You're looking for a problem Enoch where there isn't one.
  14. Oh come on, it made everyone look, and talk about it...
  15. /Facepalm. Specs is for AI, not for GFX.
  16. Whisky has many varieties, much like beer, the same could be said for weed. It's a flavour/effect thing. Also, some people enjoy extreme changes of mental state, and that's what I would assume is so great about it.
  17. I lasted 3 days on WoW, seems I am rather immune to whatever elements of addiction exit within the title. I actually force myself to play MMO's, I've yet to find one that works for me, but giving WoW another shot won't hurt, I'll likely laugh at it. I've been told that if I can get past level 20, I should be hooked, we'll see about that... I'm looking forwards to my experiment. I'm certain I shall win.
  18. There are questions as to if this is infact legit... We'll see, over the coming days and weeks. If its true, then its terrible news.
  19. Details plz, can't actually access the site... Also need to download the games I own and back it up.
  20. Never heard of them... what did they do? /Facepalm
  21. funny thing is, with the games I've played he always nails it right on the head, every time. that's gotta mean something he might be wrong, but it's usually "right" in my book, so I tend to trust him He concerns himself purely with negatives. He rarely if at all focus's on the positives.
  22. Far from infallible, they just haven't failed until now, and their design and marketing strategy are among the smartest in the industry, which is surely something that you know much better than me, being inside that industry we're talking about. Sure, all true, but I'm not a massive fan of their games, their IP space is all ripped off. Blizzard are great at what they do. But what they do isn't for me at all.
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