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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. BC gameplay 1 BC gameplay 2
  2. I agree with you. It isn't worth the effort.
  3. I don't know how you can be excited by it... But each to their own.
  4. I do not understand your problem... I mean why fit FO3 into an old engine. What does that let people do that's so good? They're basically going after fallout D20. And yeah, it means they can "make their own stories". Think of it as a full coversion mod for NWN2.
  5. Well, aren't you the hipster king *groans*
  6. Too many cutscenes & QTE to deserve being called a game. And being marketed too heavily to even be acknowledged. To be blunt, **** Tomb Raider.
  7. ThatGameCompany stuff... Journey I think its called.
  8. This is the new shizzle? Yup.
  9. AA is the first thing I always turn off when I play my PC games, despite having a quite powerful rig. Jaggies are something I never noticed. Just don't look so hard, enjoy the game instead. Jaggies are only a problem you're going to truly notice when you're rendering below the native resolution of the display. Because most games are rendered at 720p for example, when you put that on a 1080p system with no AA you will notice the jaggies, and it will look exceptionally ugly. That said I do agree with what you're saying, it can be an ugly game, but if you're having fun it doesn't matter.
  10. PS Vita is on my to buy list. Its backwards compatible isn't it?
  11. Man, reminds me of those really bad adverts from the 80's. All its missing is the voice over.
  12. You mean one, if not the most influental and successful game designers deserves to be designated "idiot"? Sure beats a callcenter clerk from North Bay. This explains, so much.
  13. Right back at you Volo, but has anyone done it yet? Did it change your ways? Exactly - Violent volo is more mindless.
  14. Yeah, its the same thing that kept me with diablo from the sounds of it. Hangover gaming. Its so easy, and so mindless but somehow relaxing and none engaging that you can even play with an extreme hangover.
  15. I don't think EA holds the full rights to System Shock in any case which would (potentially) rule it out on a more or less permanent basis and irrespective of whether other EA titles become available. Most of the other residual EA titles were made by companies EA either owned fully at the time or bought outright later, like Bullfrog/ Origin/ Westwood and as such are likely owned EA properties in toto. The same cannot be said for System Shock. Ken Levine apparently tried to buy out the rights to System Shock prior to Irrational being bought by 2k and left the impression that while EA held the trademarks and such, and could potentially make sequels, they did not hold the full rights which were held by [random LGS wind up entities and creditors]. There's also the possibility that any residual royalties could be paid to competitors; 2k, via Irrational and Squeenix, via Eidos; or that permission from them is required to distribute whivh would provide additional legal problems. EA didn't buy bullfrog - THEY MERGED! LOL Damn in jokes.
  16. I could make you a DVD, but only if Nightshape is cool with it. Oh I'm so cool with it, I'm up for a special edition I'm that cool with it... Comes with your own free tea-bag, so you can have a brew while you watch.
  17. I AM NOT RUSSIAN, I am American but my descendants come from IRAN. So you're a retarded terrorist?
  18. I wasn't thinking of your esteamed self... More Morgoth and Hell Kitty with the responses they left. No gnashing of teeth here, but I can tea-bag you if you'd like. Joy... Its what I've dreamed of.
  19. All the animal symbolism stuff is pretty blunt, including the first episode. If you've not been near the books I don't think it comes across quite in the same manner.
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