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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. That I don't agree with.
  2. ITS ALL ABOUT FIREBALLS! Gods I had so much fun with it! Well, if it's all about fireballs, then I will have to go back and rest after each major fight. My Mage only has 2 3rd-level spell slots (and one of those is typically a Haste). Actually, I suspect that the Web/Entangle is more important for surviving those fights. The Wights come in big numbers, and the level doesn't offer any good choke-points where your front-liners can fight them 2 or 3 at a time. First and foremost, you need to slow the rush. Doing damage is secondary. Kiting dude! That said, you do have to rest a bit, and use some other tactics. I don't recall it being the hardest encounter.
  3. Echo this. I want to like it because it's D&D but I keep hearing it's crapola. I've got it on X-Box, its a generic hack and slash in many respects. I haven't played much, but I have played worse, the reviews are a little harsh, its (5 || 6)/10 worth playing multiplayer, a general generic dungeon romp.
  4. *chuckles* No - I do remember the name. Lets just say we did not get on.
  5. Funny you say that, I'd be happy to swap. Bloody hate the south of England with a passion. Don't get me wrong. I'd take your patch (Sheffield, I think) any day. Or, frankly anywhere with a bit of character like Harrogate or Durham. His real trouble is that after the Army he expects someone to wheel people in to meet him, and to have a common background to work with. I keep telling him he just needs to get out and meet folks. I'm in Guildford, but I'm form the Sheffield area aye. Seems like this dude just needs to get out there and do something - something he totally wouldn't usually do at all.
  6. Funny you say that, I'd be happy to swap. Bloody hate the south of England with a passion.
  7. ITS ALL ABOUT FIREBALLS! Gods I had so much fun with it!
  8. Sometimes it's fun and cool to work with, but trying to do crap like pass in several arguments involves some mindscrewing stack operations that's not immediately clear, makes debugging and maintenance a pain. But the comments (in production code) that read "Errr not sure what the hell this does?" or "Screw it, this kinda works" do make it chuckleworthy. Resume sir, write one!
  9. I think part of what's been the trouble for me is the change in approach. Ada and such tended to have a very firm, planned approach to it all. And very heavy on the building the guts of it up. C# has that habit of compressing a lot of actual code behind the scenes almost. Kind of like it's made up of shortcuts and macros rather then full detailled code that you do. Throw in the .NET libraries and having to figure out which ones are useful and what is actually allowed... And these days (god that makes me feel old) the planning style differs a lot - Where once it was build the engine and guts and then work on the interface and features, it now seems to be build a loose framework, then the features, then the engine. Some days I can look at a programming challenge and get it all straight in my mind, then other times I look at someone elses code and have absolutely no clue what it all means. And dammit, I've been sleeping. Saturday I fell in bed about 5-6 hours early, didn't wake up until nearly 11am sunday. Is this your first time with an object-orientated language?
  10. wilkommen to the interwebz! wilkommen to ze intarwebz! [fixed]
  11. Are we talking about Syntax, or .NET or... ??? I'm confused about what you're learning. C# isn't a complex language really, but the .NET libs are huge, they can take a bit of learning, but like anything, you know one you know them all so to speak. I don't really approach learning a language as learning a syntax, I'm getting to the point where I'm interested in what the compiler does with the code under certain situation. ASM is about the only thing that scares me, but that's not THAT scary...
  12. As hard as I try, I am not convinced one can do "serious" C# coding. Why not do some C\C++ instead?
  13. Basically, a bride that is sold through the mail to a man. Often from less economically successful countries. For some, the end result is the 21st century equivalent of slavery and for others the end result is the express queue to visa/citizenship in more affluent countries (where they dump their "spouses" right after the mandatory duration of the partnership to acquire such papers). Definately the case for Hill-billy mkreku
  14. I did alot of exercise Yesterday. I'm in pain, I'm also craving beer. Trying to fix a bug I've been working on for far too long, driving me nuts.
  15. No... No... I'm sure he is exactly like that.
  16. Yep, planning to breach a contract intentionally to profit from it is definitely not legal. But now we are again at another aspect of the case. It all ties back to the whole union thing. West and Zamp wanted out, and were working towards that end when they got fired, and their employee's left out of loyalty. Since the employees left, west and zamp updated their lawsuit to include the bonuses to the employees that would have been paid had they stuck around. Basically them acting almost like a union has allowed EA to head hunt half the dev team from under Activision, and allowed West and Zamp to drastically increase what they may or may not have been owed. Also http://kotaku.com/5795472/video-games-defe...ent-video-games Californias law about mature video games is now dead as a doornail. EA hasn't headhunted anyone.
  17. I went to a friends BBQ, got filled up on meat and booze, then ran 2 miles home like a feckless retard.
  18. So, another tale of horror from the video game industry. The games industry really needs to group the **** UP!!! ARGH!
  19. I find that booze gets me into all kinds of such situations...
  20. That's pretty much an RP fail. Try grocery shopping on a late Friday aftenoon and you won't need 'Detect Evil' to realise that little old ladies are spawn from hell in disguise... It was more the tourturing of evil doers... Basically doing evil to evil is well evil. Anyways... You're right about the old ladies.
  21. I'm sure this abnormal state will pass soon. If condition persists, please contact a medical professional. I thank you for the kind advice.
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