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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. That's the problem with gaming groups, politicing and childishness. I am slowly getting my head round what 4E offers and I have to be honest, while its a different angle I'm not certain its a bad one.
  2. I went to some super secret Sony "thing" in London. They gave me a copy of Infamous 2 for free. I also ran into an old friend of mine I haven't seen in about a year, so it worked out good .
  3. That he is. Over the years Ive watched wave after wave of poster crash and break upon the rocky Volorian shores and yet there he stands untouched. Impressive. I believe he works for an agency like this:
  4. What kind of work do you do that requires you to do research on these kinds of subjects? Well, I don't work for the Disney corporation... Ah! Pro Kiddie-Fiddler! Totally. I've got endorsement packages and whatnot. Better still, their parents are paying you to do it. Well done! You've fooled the world! Have yourself a pint!
  5. Stop, step back - Try finishing one project first.
  6. There was just something about it that I could not get into. How much more its focused on hack and slash, push the mini's to highlight combat zones.. It just didn't feel as if it was geared to do that much out-of-combat rpg'ing. Maybe if I'd waited until the plethora of books were out rather then just the core books I'd have seen more, but it just didn't feel like the wide variety of options were there. It just gave a vibe more like "WoW at the table" then something to have fun roleplaying with. Maybe I just got spoiled by 3.5's ability to mix classes as you levelled, and picking feats to really tailor a character for more then just combat. >shrugs< It's hard to put a finger down and say "This! This is why I hate it!" but after reading the core books and giving it a little kick around, it just did not gell in a pleasant manner. Beyond the art. Man there was some damned good art in those books. Considering some of the people I'm playing with it'll be a good thing. Its worth viewing all the PHB's they've an interesting concept which kind of reminds me of dual classing, where you mix up two classes togeather, you loose some stuff as a result obviously. Pathfinder is a fairly nice alternative to 3.5e considering that it has the blessings of seemingly both. That said, I found multi-classing to be pretty broken, I understood why it was somewhat cool. I'm still waiting on PHB 2, what I did like though, is the race's and classes that I've seen on offer in PHB 1 + 3. If I'm honest though, I doubt I'd choose D&D or Pathfinder if I wanted to be more RP than Hack and slay. Shadowrun, and Traveller, both of which I've some experience with, are far far better. Those whom are rather new to it, PnP gaming that is, do enjoy all the different dice.
  7. Mmh, I saw a train suicide a couple of years back. The guy essentially disintegrated into fist-size chunks. Was pretty gnarly. Entertainingly, I haven't enjoyed Paradise Lost's Believe In Nothing after that (I was listening to it at the time). Well... Its the right kind of thing to be listening to at that time.
  8. What kind of work do you do that requires you to do research on these kinds of subjects? Well, I don't work for the Disney corporation... Ah! Pro Kiddie-Fiddler!
  9. LMFAO@This! *sigh* Best of luck though!
  10. Australia, certainly hell. I mean between the evil heat and the spidars... **** that.
  11. Ahhh the nightmare I call my life.
  12. Uh, you moderate a gaming forum. No offense, I'm right here next to you wasting time online, but it just seemed a bit hypocritical. It's a fringe benefit of my job. I can either stare at the desktop wallpaper while thinking or I can stare a forum posts (and write a short contribution on the odd occasion) Oh I know the feeling...
  13. I was out drinking with some scary game industry legends from the Bullfrog days, some dude that worked on Syndicate - I made an impression by being fairly rude, but not on purpose. Anyways, got a bit too drunk, came home, cooked a couple steaks, went to bed. I'm still a bit pissed, but I'm stuck at home waiting on a package for my currently incognito girlfriend, who has esconded to Estonia for 3 weeks. Unlike mkreku, I didn't buy mine. I stole her fair and square while drinking vodka. Someone just sent me a message on linked in trying to headhunt me. My response was I'll talk to you if you're offering a daily rate as a contractor of
  14. One of the things about Bodycount which they've not even pushed is its level design... Bloody marketing folks.
  15. I've continued to decend into alcoholism. Nobody save me, I want an early death.
  16. The linear design has been around a while, HL seems to be the first game I can recall that was linear in such a manner. Before that it was all key cards and exploration.
  17. ,, I shudder at 4th Ed D&D. I'm just one of those few who really can't stand it. I mean, I love the art they've put in the books it's totally shiny that way. But the whole system just.. yeah.. really rubs me the wrong way for some reason. I don't really see any real issues with it, its less complex in some respects, and its a revamp, but frankly it just seems another step along - I suppose Pathfinder is 3.5e taken a bit further.
  18. Of course miserabilist is an accurate description. Pretty much everyone born north of the Watford Gap is a miserabilist. And deservedly so because they didn't have the good fortune to come from the civilised south... If this is civilised, I'm proud to be a Barbarian. Seriously, liars, thieves, and scumbags - That's all I see.
  19. Which is excellent news, as WoW was already a very good game. Statements like this, they're the moments that I realise I am amongst rats. Which, when you understand WoW's basic psychological principle, makes total sense. *tap a button get some crack* Good business plan, but...*sigh* Sophistication is... Well its a waste on such people.
  20. Funny you say that, I'd be happy to swap. Bloody hate the south of England with a passion. Go home then, you whippet-loving miserabilist. What and give up the never ending loving pleasure of telling people like yourself that they're actually massive f***ing c***s! I think not sir! You c***! edit: Miserabilist is accurate description TA!
  21. No credit - basically. Talking about a game before release is pretty bad form, its a sure fire way to kind of make your way out of the games industry.
  22. I feel bad having bought LA Noire, I don't want to support that F***ing meglomaniac Brendan McNamara!
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