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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Well I'm leaving EA, to go and do something crazy...
  2. Oh excellent! Its nice out there ain't it.
  3. Good call. I actually think you've a fair point here, I have nothin in common with pretty much everyone, except for the fact of being a Yorkshireman gives me something in common with other, Yorkshiremen. Past that, I just wish everyone would feck off. Seriously though, I do think you're onto something with the rate of change observation. I saw Bradford change from a white working class city into Bradistan over a period of about 10 years. That kind of stuff is going to cause riots, far as I know, now most of the white folk have moved out they've begun turning on each other. To those reading this and thinking "Nightshape's gone mental", go to Bradford. Look at it, and tell me honestly you don't think it's a bit damned strange. It's not that I don't think the infusion of new cultures won't be beneficial in the long run. I myself come from continental stock back in the 1600s. But I do think that in general system terms rapid change of any kind provokes system instability and in extreme cases total system collapse. The trouble is that the 'solution' is completely beyond me. Although I rather like the notion of accepting anyone into the country provided we turf out some wanker instead on a like for like basis. How does one decide on what level of wankery is acceptable? The comings of goings of people globally don't bother me one bit, most people are harmless, they just wish to work hard, and have a better life. Its when you get large groups gathering togeather in the same place, and the motivation is "England in Spain", or "Pakistan in England" etc... Etc... I find that to be destructive to soociety, and basically results in a despora of people whom had been born in an area for generations. You can see that as good or bad, but I can understand the anger of people who get left behind, whom rememeber how things were, and have problems adapting to the change. This happend alot in Eastern Europe, alot of the older generation, who only knew commie ways, struggled to adapt to a more free society based on capitalism.
  4. I'm making regular stools yes.
  5. gotta know your audience. enoch may be aware that the folks who end up implementing policy is, by-and-large, competent and dedicated.. but your knowledge is sadly, exceptional. sure, the decision making process is ugly and even self-defeating, but that is partial intended. yeah, there is some incompetence and corruption present in any large organization, and the US government is Extreme large, but it is amusing to observe how frequent the US is imagined as clowns piling outta a tiny car, or as a legion o' pitchfork wielding demons stinking 'o brimstone and blood. what is particular curious is that peoples is able to imagine the US as both clownish and demonic at the same time. in this country we got a Constitution that were original authored by revolutionaries, many of whom did not trust Government the further it got removed from The People. a system that makes tyranny extreme unlikely is not gonna be a model o' efficient decision making. the process is understandably fugly, but that doesn't meant that government is incompetent... and it surely not mean that government is inherent corrupt. nevertheless, this board is populated by many folks who start with the given that US is evil. is no longer a surprise to us. heck, we grew up in a place where hating the US were the unofficial religion, so am familiar with the condition. no misfortune has befallen a member o' the OST in the past 100+ years that could not be blamed on the US. unemployment, disease, alcoholism, and infant mortality is the curses left behind by the US to wipe out oglala culture... and am only half-joking when we liken to religion, 'cause just as the primitive man looked to explain unknown/unknowable phenomenon on powerful and frequently malign intelligences (gods,) so too does the so-called evolved and educated men o' today look to place blame with some malefic force o' no-goodery. these educated folks who is too smarty to believe in a childish bogey-man like The Devil, find comfort in a more tangible evil slouching towards washington d.c.. such identifiable and omni-present infernal forces similarly makes it easy to shrug off personal responsibility. for our next trick we will try and explain that george w. bush, while perhaps not the most dignified US president in recent memory, were not the rampaging evil menace most folks believe him to be... maybe try to explain actual Presidential powers compared to those imagined, and illustrate that many hot-button issues were existing before bush got elected. HA! Good Fun!
  6. Good call. I actually think you've a fair point here, I have nothin in common with pretty much everyone, except for the fact of being a Yorkshireman gives me something in common with other, Yorkshiremen. Past that, I just wish everyone would feck off. Seriously though, I do think you're onto something with the rate of change observation. I saw Bradford change from a white working class city into Bradistan over a period of about 10 years. That kind of stuff is going to cause riots, far as I know, now most of the white folk have moved out they've begun turning on each other.
  7. Care to elaborate? As everyone is aware, the US is almost entirely comprised of immigrants. Im not aware of any group specifically singled out as not being alowed entry. It's the US, I can certainly believe it but yeah, totally want to see some reference.
  8. Glad you finally got a job dude, hope you're enjoying it
  9. Oh it wasn't that, it was more the mesage.
  10. Tallinn is nice, as is Helsinki, I particularly like Seattle and Vancouver from the time I've spent over in the Pacific Northwest. As for UK cities, definately not London ewwww Not keen on London, York is very nice, probably my favourite UK city.
  11. Well you're being an arrogant **** and relying on amusing but irrelevant macros to pretend you have a point, so I would say: yes. *chuckles* oh come on, not only is it funny - which it bloody well is! I'm certainly making a comment about Australia being a place which was colonized by European nations, and hence can be percieved as a western civilization. I believe I'd be correct is stating that Australian citizens are still predominantly european in ancestral origin. I mostly just disagree with some basic concepts, oh and the fact that Morgoth is from Austria further propels this image to a level of amusingness. Multiculturalism is all well and dandy when folk integrate, I genuinely love that stuff myself, I just don't think certain cultures(Islamic cultures) have any interest in integration into other societies, naturally not everyone from said culture feels such a way. I've already detailed my opinion upon it. I guess it really boils down to the fact that if you look at european nations, they're not all that different from each other, there is certainly enough in common across said cultures in order to assume graceful integration. Edit: I forgot you had no sense of humour- I was merely trying to provide some silly laugh's.
  12. I don't know if this was sarcasm. I expect it from you but I can't see how it could be because Australia is an amazing place to study, live, and party right now and the issue that is most on people's minds is climate change and how to solve it - I think it says something quite positive about a society when the biggest political issue is something that has no short-term relevancy. And to prevent this post going off-topic I want to throw out a statistic about Australia: As of the 2006 census, about 50% of Australians were either born overseas or had one or both parents born overseas. I'm a quarter German myself. Multiculturalism is a beautiful thing and it makes for some really amazingly sexy women. Need I say more?
  13. Graphics wise absolutely, however the physics were pretty good. I wasn't on about the graphics, I do find it amusing that you'd find that impressive. Oh well I won't argue with you, I know that what I've seen is basic. In the same way people have lauded BF:BC 2's destruction, I'll just shake my head.
  14. By Benjamin Ostebo. Lazy google translation. A big **** you to intolerance and violence. I really like it. May multiculturalism live on long after I am dead. Fat chance, the eventual result of "multiculturalism" is the exact oppose, a worldwide mono-culture.
  15. My bad. I seen Euclideon, but it just didn't click. So hypertheticly speaking it could be possible on current high end PCs. Also nice destruction physics. That's ****e.
  16. Funnily enough when I saw this on Steam yesturday, I decided it was most likely not even worth my time, and that nobody would be remotely interested in it. In a way, I'm glad there is some interest, but it looks bloody awful, and has absolutely no appeal to me at all - not even the RPG elements are enough to make me look too closely. I am interested in what people actually think of it though, so I'm glad some folks is sharing thems opinions.
  17. I haven't bought anything from steam in an age...
  18. If that actually happend, I would break those laws constantly.
  19. I'd be very pissed if I moved to America and they told me I had to move to a small town outside a city I wanted to live in, because the immigrant quota was filled. It depends upon why you're moving, it almost seems like anyone can walk into europe, try getting into the states, you'll need to be sponsered by your workplace, visa's etc... It just seems like hard work is all, and it depends upon the reason for the move. I was thinking more about economic migration.
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