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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Australia is the near perfect example of what I am calling for in balancing capitalism and socialism. Now, if they can just stop banning certain video games due to content... The necessities of safeguarding citizens such as law enforcement, emergency services, municipal utilities, and health care should be socialized and "free" for the public use. Everything else be driven by a capitalistic forces.
  2. Okay, you have a point there and I will concede that is not capitalism, but I do not discount all socialism on the mishandling of fannie and freddie. In any case I am very much happy with the house stonewalling the bailout.
  3. A proper government is there to govern and to set the example in which its citizens should run their lives. If a government is corrupt, decadent, and irresponsible then it stands to reason that in who it governs may share the same qualities.
  4. I'm not saying that at all. Frankly I don't want any of that power. All I want is a job that pays enough for me to pay my bills, and lets me have a bit extra to have some fun with. No more and no less. I said some, not all. Do you think Paris Hilton actually earned majority of the money she has? At least we agree there. Yet our government did nothing to stop it. We live in a capitalistic consumber based society, Taks. It did happen in our capitalist system.
  5. We have a government that can't control its spending, being fiscally irresponsible. Do you think its citizenry will show restraint when those that governs them does not?
  6. That is why we need to find the balancing point and moderation. With the collapse of the USSR, and the economic meltdown of the US has both proven that both sides are failures. What we need is somewhere in middle.
  7. In capitalism only the rich have power and some of those rich people didn't even earn the wealth they got. They were just lucky to be born in the right family. And when the rich do get in trouble it is the government that comes to the rescue. That is what this bailout is about. The rich CEOs of these companies pretty much ran their companies to the ground while raking in millions, without a care to those beneath them, then when they get to the point that they can't milk the system any longer and their cash cow has gone dry they cry for the government, filled with "friends" they fed money to, to bail them out so they can milk those who are poorer even more through government tax money. Yeah, capitalism is such a wonderful thing.
  8. Sounds like a strange analogy for DRM, but... No, its just strange.
  9. I think that our dear and lovable Dark Raven has a severe phobia of change and getting with the times.
  10. I don't really consider myself a PC gamer any more. I play games more on my XBox 360 than I do on my PC. Only game I play on the PC is NWN2 and that is because there isn't a XBox 360 version of it. *hint hint*
  11. I most certainly do not want McCain in. McCain would be just four more years of Bush, more or less, and the biggest reason is Palin. If Obama kicks the bucket we get Biden and he is good enough til the end of the term. If McCain kicks the bucket we get Palin, who got a African pastor once to do some "ceremony" to protect from witchcraft prior her becoming the Alaskan governor. I am all for keeping mysticism shenanigans out of the White House.
  12. I don't. And if there is enough of those who don't that causes the industry to collapse, maybe, just maybe the publishers should not have used DRM.
  13. Right now, the bailout is the issue. Since both McCain and Obama are for it I am considering changing my mind on voting for Obama.
  14. EA makes games people want to play, places DRM people don't want to have, then other people crack the DRM and set it up as free downloads, so then the people who want to play EA games with out DRM download them, thusly because of DRM is placed by EA those who would have bought the games if not for DRM are now encouraged to get the Non-DRM pirate version and download it for free.
  15. Socialism on only the essentials, semi-regulated capitalism on everything else!
  16. Yay for meltdowns! I'll bring the marshmallows and super mutants.
  17. I am not advocating pure socialism/communism, Guard Dog. We both know that failed when the USSR fell apart. However, pure capitalism is failing here and it looks like the government is stepping in. Just because you are compelled to do something does not mean you have to do it. What I like to see is a proper balance between socialism and capitalism. For example, the welfare system. We both can probably agree that the welfare system as it is, is very socialistic and needs a major overhaul, but then again there are those who just can't find work. Instead of just have these people live off the government and the taxpayers we set up community service work for these people. It is still socialism, that they are getting aid and funds from the government, but instead of just sitting on the couch they are actually contributing to society and worth, not just in the eyes of the community but perhaps in themselves.
  18. I liked Ender and Eldar. They were good people. That Hades guy was just annoying.
  19. If he doesn't then he is a coward. And Taks, we have tried the capitalistic side of things and look where it has gotten us. a $700 Billion Bailout and $11 Trillion in debt. That is a huge hallmark of failure in my book. Maybe its time for a little bit of socialism.
  20. I think I have mellowed just a bit over the years.
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