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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Well, I am boycotting Alpha Protocol till it goes gold. Then I'll pre-order it again. THIS I SWEAR!
  2. Don't you get technical with me. I have a bass and not afraid of using it. *rubs the bass*Such a nice bass. Nice basssssssssssssss.
  3. How does one boycott a game that isn't available to buy?
  4. Just trust in the Killian. The Killian is good.
  5. I imagine the Biowarian Quality equation will be like this, at least for me: DA > BG > BG2 > ME > JE > KotOR1 > NWN1
  6. California is in desperate need of an overhaul. In a recent budget shortfall here in Iowa the Governor basically stripped 10% of the budget off of all state agencies, without the need of approval from our state Congress. The people of California will have some harsh times ahead. They will either need to increase taxes across the board or, I don't know, stop spending so much money.
  7. That is a very limited view. The Antagonist is whatever opposes the Protagonist and his or her goals. One can be an Antagonist within a story without having malice.
  8. You get a gold star for the day. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/9/20...ll.78470401.jpg
  9. Who says it is a he or a she? If you have paid attention you would already know. There is three types of antagonists. There is the Adversarial Opponent, a person or group of people that is against the Protagonist. There is the Opponent Within, which the Protagonist deals with his inner demons. Lastly there is the Opponent Without, which the antagonist is the environment which the Protagonist finds him or herself in. Tell me which one applies to SG:U at this time?
  10. The "villain" has already been shown. Haven't you been watching?
  11. Third episode of SG:U was not bad. I am beginning to like Eli. The Statue of Liberty comment gave me a chuckle.
  12. The only good communist is a dancing communist. Preferably female and with a body like Mila Jovovich, naked.
  13. Can't we take care both problems?
  14. So... scaled VAT as a replacement for income tax? Yep. Only time you pay taxes is when you pay for a taxable item.
  15. No. He won't. A US President is a United States President. Same as it ever was. We've come too far to have a president be a dove now. Fun Fact #2: Gandhi wasn't good enough.Ghandi believed blacks were inferior to Indians and believed in an India where Indians and whites would walk all over them. Oh God, here it comes.... ...just walking downt he street singing doo wah ditty ditty...
  16. You wouldn't pay it at the end of year, silly WoD. You pay the tax when at the time of purchase. If you by a game for $60 you would pay the 5% tax right there. If you decide to buy a $2000 computer or expensive jewelry you would pay the 12% tax at the point of purchase. Of course non-taxed items such as milk, meats, and the such would remain untaxed.
  17. I wonder if this has anything to do with what is going behind the scenes: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6232462.html?...ewstop;title;13
  18. Exactly my point with my post. Talk about over one's head and between the knees.
  19. I rather have us get rid of income tax altogether and simply have a scalable federal sales tax in place. We are a consumer based society people. $.01 - $100 5% $101 - $1000 8% $1001 - $10000 12% $10001 - $50000 15% $50001 - $150000 20% $150001+ 25% Think how many candy bars that are sold a year, then have 5% of that revenue go directly to the government. We ould get rid of Income tax, and downsize the government by getting rid of the IRS.
  20. That missile defense system that Bush wanted to put in place was a bad idea from the get go. All it did was piss off the Russians, be way to expensive to build and maintain, and probably wouldn't have worked at all.
  21. Why do you guys think that Iowa's film industry got a kick. We were making it cheaper to make movies here than in California. Mind you our current governor wants to remove those tax breaks which would be a bad idea in the long run, but Guard Dog is right. Hey, it would be pretty cool if Obsidian moved to Ames. :D
  22. And in the long run, if the US survives, would become a much stronger nation of the blending of the two cultures. Do I wish Mexico to fall? No. But if it happens it will be because of its leadership and they will have no one to blame but themselves.
  23. He made the world less piss off at the US. That has to count for something after the many Bush f***ups.
  24. I'm human. Humans, by their very nature, are barbaric and have very little redeeming value. Nations rise and nations fall, it has been going on for thousands of years before I was born and it will continue to happen for thousands of years after I am dead. Trying to stop it is like an average Joe standing on railroad tracks believing he can stop a bullet train with his bare hands.
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