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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. Really? Okay, okay; I get it in context, but as a general statement I'm not sure I'd agree.
  2. But, there's also an achievement for keeping it in your pants.
  3. *insert obligatory trolling of people who don't realize the awesome that is mouse & keyboard here*
  4. I liked the Deus Ex system. If you really wanted to be accurate running & gunning you had to invest a lot in the weapon skill, which seems fair to me.
  5. I think the odds are much greater that AP is delayed than several major retailers (EBgames too) have arbitrarily held it back by two weeks.
  6. I must be getting greedy, because that seemed kind of short. Still, more footage is good, particularly at this point in the development cycle (I assume there isn't much more that Obs can do at a basic level before the release build).
  7. I've always found twitter ridiculous, so this is the perfect use for it.
  8. Actually, until this post, I had never seen the official site to which he referred
  9. I like Bioware and Bethesda RPGs. Maybe if the WRPG market were more flooded I could be picky about their bland NPCs and weak story, but the truth is that I enjoy playing their games anyway.
  10. Err, with what authority do you speak on this subject?
  11. Well, IMO, both Bourne and Bauer spend more time investigating/talking than fighting; so IMO they've nailed none of the above. That said, I agree with the basic point. And that sounds like harsh criticism when I haven't even played the game yet, but realistically there's only so much Obs can do in one game. The whole package of "spy" would be great, but I'll gladly settle for what they've got (already pre-ordered).
  12. remember when they said in the "can we go around not holding guns post" that they where "concerned about memory space" (or somthing near that). whell i guess we see what they meant I think they're referring to RAM and virtual memory, not total hard drive space. I could be wrong though.
  13. Funny, I actually prefer games that, when they can't use licensed names, just have ones like "9mm pistol," or "5.56mm Assault rifle." These titles carry more meaning to me than trying to remember what arbitrary names a developer has chosen (no offense Obs). Usually if a game has fake weapon names I just call them by their caliber or the real weapon they best resemble anyway. I'm boring though.
  14. Sounds pretty good. Shadow operative seems like a gameplay version of when the hero mysteriously takes out a bunch of guys off-camera when it seems like there is no realistic way of doing so.
  15. Are the dialogue-only missions of comparable length? Or, say, exponentially shorter?
  16. I think Mafia 2 is 2010 now. And Risen? We must've seen different trailers.
  17. I think Sawyer answered your question Oner, but just in case . . . Basically, it's just that Thornton is placed in an environment full of hostiles. There's no ambiguity as to who he is or what he's doing, he just pretty much gets attacked whenever he gets spotted except with scripted dialogues. Contrast that with the hitman games, where your behavior tends to determine who is hostile towards you. IMO, the latter offers a lot more playstyle flexibility and is very "spy," which is what bugged me most about finding out it didn't exist via this thread.
  18. Personally, I'm more disappointed by the absence of "social stealth" than the visuals; I can't speak for others.
  19. I agree, but only because they look so ridiculous that you have to prove yourself to be taken seriously with them.
  20. Honestly, I think that's the best marketing AP has received, and possibly the best it will.
  21. In the videos, it looks like guns just disappear when you do CQC.
  22. Sometimes I feel like I'm one of the few people in gaming who doesn't particularly mind texture pop-in. I'd rather be able to navigate through the menu/game world smoothly than get stopped dead by loading times more frequently.
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