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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Or they could just allow you to import a savegame and have the game itself figure everything out.
  2. A few years after KotOR2, so we can have a trilogy of related stories, much like the movies.
  3. Or maybe Kreia is the 3rd Sith Lord, and Sion wasn't even looking for her.
  4. If she is able to mask her Force presence, then my Kreia=Revan theory is starting to sound even more likely.
  5. Then why is R2 that popular? Only problem is... you can't be a scout in KotOR2.
  6. I think the armored character, if not Canderous, might turn out to be a chick. Like the bounty hunter in RotJ was Leia.
  7. The different hilts are because one is a long, while the other is a short saber. The silver guy looks better now. He's no longer a Sith trooper clone.
  8. I have class from a minister, and other highly regarded people in my country (Belgium). My father went to university with my country's prime minister. I'm a descendant of the Dutch/Spanish writer Bredero. None of these things are truly noteworthy, as none of these people really have achieved world fame. It just happens to be so.
  9. That's a possibility, but it sounds very Yoshimo-ish to me. Kreia is Revan I tell you!
  10. I liked the Clone Wars cartoon a lot, so I wouldn't mind a SW animated series. I wouldn't mind a normal show either.
  11. I like it. It's almost certain now that Darth Mask will be the final villain. I wonder who it is Atris is fighting.
  12. Come on, we all know Artoo is the true hero of all Star Wars films.
  13. You're not alone, so don't get too c0cky.
  14. Strange that so little people seem to like yellow. Is it because it's not in the movies?
  15. Who cares about effectiveness when the game already is easy as hell? When dual wielding, it looks much cooler when both sabers have the same length. I used short ones because it made it look like a unique fighting style.
  16. They can let Bastila and Carth live, even though you were able to kill both of 'em. Not many people did so anyway.
  17. KotOR's DS ending was almost identical to the DS ending of Jedi Knight. Only in JK Kyle, even though he fell to the DS, seemed to regret it. I loved how he crushed his father's holocron under his foot. :D It all reminded me a bit of EpV, where not everything was success in the end. KotOR's endings were pretty lame, even the DS one (except for the smirk on Revan's face). A good ending shouldn't just be the clich
  18. Just imagine KotOR takes place 400 years before the OT, instead of 4000, and there'll be a lot less inconsistency. I think. The Mandalorians would still be a problem I guess.
  19. What the hell was Lucas thinking? The saber showed in Obi-Wan's hut, the one used against the training droid, and the one Luke uses in his fight against Vader are supposed to be the same, right? Then why change the bloody color??
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