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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. The graphics are very chic. You can't expect more as long there isn't better hardware available. It's all about how you can convey technical improvements into the gameplay, and not the outside details alone. And yeah, I hope they'll once manage to do another Shogo game. Maybe there's hope for the third game they've in development.
  2. More extreme ME footage! Character Spotlight Part 2
  3. First, here's the official homepage (still a teaser site though). http://nameyourfear.com/ Second, the first official teaser video (it's already been released ~2 weeks): Click Last, but not least, today the Demo walkthrough from the E3 has been released! Click Downloading now...
  4. I hope at the completion of Ep3, Gordon's gonna have the (long deserved) sex scene with Alyxx. I mean something memorable has to happen....
  5. I'm sure the Half-Life series still did better sales-wise than the whole Halo trilogy.
  6. The Orange box, obviously. You get more for the money. Not only do you get the brand new Ep2, TF2 and Portal, you also get HL2 + Ep1 in addition. If you already have those, you can always pass it as a gift to someone else. Hellgate London looks more like a shoehorned "Diablo-clone into a FPS" to me...
  7. Turians, Volians, Salarians....where are the Bananians and Peperonians and Weirdanians?
  8. Crysis Singleplayer Hands-on @ Shacknews Phew. Good to hear. There' nothing worse than easy cannon-fodder FPS. I liked the tough difficulty in Far Cry, and I'm glad they continue this trend in Crysis. Anyways, the screenshots are really amazing. I can't wait for the SP-Demo (October 26th) to see how well it runs on my rig. Either I'll postpone the purchase until next year when I upgrade to a Quad-Core/DX10 rig, or maybe, just maybe, my humble computer will run it so decently that I might get the game on release.
  9. My demo impressions are subpar at best. The voice acting is horrible, the writing just boring. Combat seems to be the same as Gothic 3 (click click click), and the performance is mostly bad. The inventory and interface are quite well done, though. Better than the Gothic series for sure. But it isn't really that sort of game that keeps me curious for a long time, so I think I'll pass.
  10. im on ur shelvez stealin ur space
  11. What's that? The 19th century? The US should be proud/glad to stick together, in order to maintain strength. Secession is for weaklings only.
  12. Yeah what's up with that confusion anyway? Where's that from? Million = 10^6, and Billion = 10^9, right?
  13. Doesn't look so well. You really need to upgrade, Bok. Heh. PS: Why is the "Fast Reply" broken?
  14. No, but even if the 360 could run Vista, I couldn't do anything productive with it. Ist there actually some sort of an emulator available? There're quite a few Xbox/PS2 games that can be played on a PC, I wonder if there's something for the 360 available as well?
  15. Money isn't really the issue here. I prefer to spend money to upgrade my computer instead of having 2 mediocre gaming platforms. I prefer one killer-rig for gaming, plus I benefit in other (working) areas of this performance boost too. Besides, I don't have much space either in my pit, and console games are as expensive as hell (70
  16. Since I horribly fail at Gothic 3 (Gobblins beat me dead, 1 min quickload, no fun), I'm gonna give the 2W demo a try. Maybe I'm gonna get the full version at some point since it's really cheap now and there's also a 1Gbyte patch that fixes most critical bugs.
  17. Man, you haven't played MOTB yet and now you already want the 2nd XP. Tsk tsk. As for the topic: Great way to piss me off Obsidian, really. Finally your first IP and now I can't play it on my system.
  18. That's because humorous stuff is a bit more niche. Big Blockbuster Dramas usually sell a lot better than parodies.
  19. A CIA game and Alex Brandon as Audio guru - I already hover in Deus Ex dreams again.
  20. I wouldn't mind a new 3D take on Beneath a Steel Sky!
  21. In a meritocracy, it's usual that sexuality gets subdued. We'll see this "trend" increasing over the time.
  22. @Hell Kitty. Ionstorm should have make a decision quickly after they recognized that the engine was ****ed up. They either should have reverted back to the "default" UnrealEngine 2, skipping the dynamic lightning thing (as that had any gameplay value anyway) and make it PC only. Or decide to use the crippled engine and make it Xbox only, optimizing the hell out of it until release. Instead, they chose to release the game on both platforms - both completely broken.
  23. Well I just played through the demo. Took me 10, maybe 15 min to complete. It definitely suffers a bit of consoleritis. I.e. very linear level design, team members tell you every tiny bit what to do, you can't jump, and an overall very confined feeling. The visuals are very slick, though. Very gory, very stylish, but with an overuse of bloom. The bad thing however is that it isn't scary at all. There's never any real feel of threat coming up, like the masterfully designed Undying. I think I'll pass.
  24. Yeah, Grrrr!!!! Gimme more Grrrr!!! HAHA!
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