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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. I wait for the announcement when SEGA will acquire Obsidian one day. HAH!
  2. That's like... 8 years ago? Different market, different goals, different CEO, Executives etc. And 3 years ago, EA bought Trauma Studios, creators of the popular Desert Combat: Battlefield 1942 mod to help with Battlefield 2. Right before Battlefield 2's release, and less than a year after purchase, they dissolved them. I, personally, am still very wary of EA. A mod team? Who cares about something like that? We're talking about Bioware here. Screwing around with Bioware really would let EA appear like the biggest badass in the industry, an image I think they want to get away actually, right?
  3. The doctors are rich, they dont care about the quality of their games or if their employees will be unhappy and leave. Same for Riccitello. And you know that exactly? I always got the impression Ray & Greg really do care about the company and continuously try to improve it. Not caring means to me like "Interplay", or "Herve Cain".
  4. That's like... 8 years ago? Different market, different goals, different CEO, Executives etc. Still EA. And still Bioware.
  5. So to speak....I think.
  6. Again, Riccitello and the Doctors worked together before... Who knows, maybe they're buddies? Anyway, Ray & Greg know what they're doing and what's best for their people (i.e. teh company). If they feel everybody makes out for the better, then all power to them. Screw MS exclusives!
  7. That's like... 8 years ago? Different market, different goals, different CEO, Executives etc.
  8. I also want to add that now Bioware has a fixed publisher, there's no need for such evil things like X360 exclusives with MS. After ME, I expect that they'll expand their platform choice for the rest of the trilogy.
  9. Just once I want to read an involved party talk like an actual person. Those are press releases. They always sound like that.
  10. Good news actually. Riccitello was the CEO of Elevation Partners before, and he and Doctors got along pretty well. Now he's the EA boss, and I'm confident they'll continue to get along with Bioware as well. I mean I don't think they'd agree on the acquirement just to let screw them.
  11. I felt that Episode 1 was quite an improvement over HL2 vanilla.
  12. Since nobody else wanted it... Pop is our single only winner! Happy fragging, Pop!
  13. Why are you always so negative?
  14. I just saw that I'm only allowed to pass one product per Steam ID. That means if someone wants both, two Steam IDs (2 Emails) are required, unless the winner don't want to. So far, I only got one inquiry...that's strange that there isn't more interest. When I get home around 9 PM CET, I'll make the draw. Just wondering after which criteria...
  15. First screenshots have been released. http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/34737/De...ace-Screenshots
  16. That's right, with my Orange Box, I can pass HL2 + Ep1 as a gift to someone who doesn't own these games. All my buddies own them already, and I don't need these products twice. This means after you got my "Gift", you can download these games for free, which still costs 20$ and 15$ over Steam respectively. In addition you get all multiplayer derivates (HL2 Deathmatch, CS Source) and the Source SDK (for modding) for free as well. Pretty cool deal huh? More infos about HL2 and/or Episode1: http://orange.half-life2.com/ Prerequisites: -You don't have these games already. -Internet Connection and Steam Client (for free: www.steampowered.com). After you got the gift(s), you can download these games immediately (~5-6 Gbyte) -You'll always be nice to me from now on. Send me a PM for further details. Serious inquiries only please! Edit: To make things a bit more clear: PM me your Steam Account Name or email adress so that I can add you to my Friends list, I'll make the final decision tomorrow (October 10th) around 9 PM CET.
  17. It's a PS3 exclusive. They got a deal (i.e. plenty of money) with SCE. Unless of course they mean a different game.
  18. The Campaign is going to rock. Finally an RTS I'm really looking forward to.
  19. http://www.quanticdream.com/ The homepage has been revamped, but not really much new details regarding Heavy Rain have been released, the next big thing (NBT) from the Fahrenheit makers. However, it seems like they plan to do a franchise with it, with SCE, that means PS3 exclusive. If that's true, I'm going to be pissed mightily (again). "Scratch" through the wobbling thingies in order to view some "Behind the Scene" slides (Studio pictures, mocap pictures, etc.). Quite funny actually. But here's the real deal: The new badass in Heavy Rain is gonna be a space-wardog! Yes!!!1!!11!
  20. Just a "greatest hit collection"? You say it like it's some old bargain bin package. You do know the Orange Box offers three brand new products, right? I always felt Hellgate looks kinda outdated. They should have released that game 3 years ago... But hey, perhaps the game is
  21. I too think horse armor makes for better roll-playing.
  22. Yeah but will Sand be able to withstand the vicious attacks of the facehuggers?
  23. Yeah no doubt that it's fun. But "fun" alone isn't enough for me anymore to waste time and money on a game.
  24. Not much details have been revealed so far, except that the game takes place in a fictional US city that is haunted by Alma, and Alma (since she broke out in FEAR) is now about to rage and rock the world. Not much is known about the PC either, except that you aren't playing the Pointman this time. Maybe you play her pissed Emo-brother?
  25. It's all about availability. What Half-Life is for PC fans, Halo is for the Xbox kiddi...ahm fans. Besides, most of the customers are herd animals. The marketing just needs to create a phenomenal storm of hype, and no matter whether it holds actual ground or not, many people will just buy into it. How else could you explain a mediocre SciFi FPS to be so successful?
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