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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. That was not very classy. I miss the pissed-off Hades of the old days...
  2. What I never got is why the British were so jealously of the Germans having a bigger fleet, and why that ought to be reason for the British to enter WW1. After all, they weren't threatened by it.
  3. It took half the British Navy to defeat the Bismarck in WW2. I mean c'mon, a single ship? Mongolians were hordes of saber-rattling warriors, that's hardly an Empire. The Romans at least made important influences in life and culture. The British too, they gave us Americans!
  4. Spare me the brownnosing, we all know about the atrocities they caused in Africa and India. I agree on the Navy though, that was traditionally the best, until they got scared of the Germans competing with them in early 20th century....Ya know how that ended. Jutland? What I meant is they got scared of the German Navy, otherwise they wouln't have jumped into WW1, right? Edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Jutland Just shows again how overrated the British Navy was.
  5. ...but I guess Steve Balmer ain't get to eat the cake this time!
  6. I always got the feeling the Finns have an inferior-complex towards the Swedes, because otherwise they wouldn't piss their pants out of joy by just defeating them in a match.
  7. Hey framerate, do you want to be MY favorite employee? Yes? Just tell me please when Sega is gonna release the SGD teaser!
  8. I take it you liked the quest pointers in Oblivion then. I didn't. I don't want to be hand-held by the game I am playing. Yes, some quests are very difficult.. to the point that it is actually possible to FAIL THEM, something that American game designers seem to have forgotten as an option. For example the quest in Gothic 3 when you're supposed to find people for the Okara rebel camp. It gave you NO CLUES as to where to start looking, how many people would be needed or anything. You just had to walk out into the gigantic land and try talking to people! It's also one of the best quests I've ever seen in a RPG ever. Mainly because it's so overwhelmingly difficult that you give up before you've even started.. but as time goes by and you explore more and more of the land, you'll run into stranded fire mages, bored hunters, greedy paladins and you'll convince them to join the rebels. When you finally finish the quest (if you ever do), it's a fantastic feeling of accomplishment, something that the typical unfailable Fed-ex quests never provide. Making the game dumb and easy is to make a game I won't remember five minutes after playing it. Never played Oblivion; I don't waste time with sucky games. And no, I don't need this quest pointer or other hand-me-down bullshat either, but I want that the game rewards me for discovering new NPCs, Quests etc. not by accident. Gothic1/2 did that very well. There was plenty to discover, the world big, yet it had direction and I never had to waste time finding something. In Gothic 3 however, you just run around and run around then plop someone literally on the head. Whoops, didn't want that, but there I'm, now fighting a dozen rogues and dying in a single second.
  9. Normally, companies don't accept game concepts in any form from outside. They have policies to reject these.
  10. So, do you think AoC is teh WoW killer? Care to share some more tidbits with us?
  11. Oh Sir you just have no taste that's all!
  12. Agreed. Developers should concentrate to serve their core audience, the one that surely will buy the game.
  13. Well, this and next year looks pretty great: Mass Effect Age of Conan Rise of the Argonauts Project origin Dead Space Dragon Age Alpha Protocol Aliens RPG Starcraft 2 Alan Wake And who knows what else...
  14. More polished, more stylish, more versatile, more athmospheric. It's all these little things that makes the Diablo series such a smooth and fun experience, something all other clones lacked. Maybe Hellgate London comes a bit close, but that's no wonder since it's basically from the same team.
  15. I don't watch TV these days anymore.
  16. I wonder what ever happend to Alan Wake. Is it still scheduled for 2008?
  17. I don't need references to previous Fallout games to make conclusions about F3 - all it need is to look at Beths track record and I know there's nothing really extraordinary good coming out. How long are they in business now? 10 years? 15 years? Have their games ever improved? No? Why do people think they're gonna make a so much better job with F3 then?
  18. I don't think more "American" is the goal, but generelly making it more digestible for the international market. I kinda like that they want to make travelling and quest-destination finding easier, that saves time and you get straight to the point of actually playing, not fighting the game. That's something American devs seem to undestand better, making controls and some gameplay mechanisms more refined and intuitive.
  19. Very funny. You think my neighbor is some sort of a psychopath? Me too (hehe). No seriously, that was like 10 years ago when I was a kid - he had to do it, the dog has gone mad. Now of course my neighbor is also dead, but that's another story. Still, can't remember any explosions. What was this thread about again?
  20. I wouldn't be surprised if the U.K. Arcania used the U.S. color palette. The localization of the Witcher to North America involved a great number of content changes. The localization of many games for the German market can involve radical changes due to the severely restrictive policies of the USK. Though many Japanese games are never "content-localized" for North America, NA games are often content-localized for Japan (adding fingers and whatnot). I think you guys are overreacting to changes that you haven't even seen, and complaining about a waste of resources that you have no way to quantify. But adhering to these policies (no hardcore gore for Germans, no nipples for Americans) is not the same as making such aesthetic changes. I think they're just gonna make changes in the HDR/post-processing effects, and not changes in the actual art data (like using different shapes for assets and symbols and what not).
  21. Last time my neighbor shot his rabic dog he didn't explode. But Mkreku likes to play the smartass here, so I'll leave him at it.
  22. Another preview from IGN.
  23. Ditto. A huge world with random monsters to kill doesn't cut it for me anymore. That worked maybe 5 years ago, but I got tired of these loose open-world-tree-and-caves type of Action RPGs.
  24. There's a short preview. http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/gothic4/news.html?sid=6191191 "[...] The team invested months of research into the differences between European and American gaming preferences, so much so that there will be two different color palates for Arcania: North American (bright and beautiful) and European (muted and gritty)." That's gotta be the most stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why would they waste art ressources to create two different styles instead on focusing on one (the gritty and muted please) instead? Or do they just mean the usage of different post-processing effects? Anyway, there's not much to get excited about. I'm more excited about what Piranha and Deep Silver are cooking up anyway.
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