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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. But that's the point - campiness doesn't really allow to develop a character outside of being campy.
  2. Fallout 3. Oh yeah I also bought L4D, but that only was cool for the first few days. 2009 will be a much better year for PC games.
  3. Fallout 3 MGS4 GTA 4 Gears 2 And that's it.
  4. Bull**** detected. Oh yeah? Care to elaborate?
  5. Nonsense. Fat = unsexy = no Sex.
  6. Can Llyr be enjoyed with bloom on his face?
  7. Gamers who play on Mac and Linux systems can't be taken serious.
  8. He's working on a game and a motion picture, apparently. Not much info, but some artworks on Citizen Siege.
  9. We all know that Kill/Sand/Hades will upgrade his PC in a timely manner so that he can play DA on release.
  10. http://users.livejournal.com/_dva_/24239.html Lorne Lanning (Oddworld fame) just nailed it down. Won't stop developers to release more WoW and GoW clones though.
  11. MGS4 had a serious theme, but didn't take itself too serious. It just had the alright feel to it. After the briefing of a mission for humanities last hope to succeed... Snake: "Somebody got a smoke?" I mean... LOL?
  12. I sure as hell know why I'm avoiding the TW series...I gotta have a life running as well, after all!
  13. I'm just not sure whether Icon clicking and messing around in inventories is as fast and responsive as with a mouse. Say what you want, but DA was developed for the PC in mind, so at least I am sure as hell to play it on the PC as well...whether it runs perfectly or not performance wise doesn't bother me so much.
  14. Have fun with gamepad+Isometric combat then.
  15. Eh...why that? Unless you like waiting longer. Or PC - > console conversions.
  16. I'm not getting angry over such things, I just think that it is a wasted opportunity for the devs not to squeeze more out of this Greek tale. After all, you spend some 2-3 years of your life on making a game, and as a creative person you better make that worthwhile.
  17. I bet Todd hand-picked her pesonally! Good choice.... I mean as an voice actor.
  18. Heh. That's why I only played the main story (~20 hours), otherwise my real life would have utterly collapsed already. But I'm gonna replay this whole thing completely when I go into pension. In 100 years.
  19. Gonna buy the standard edition, because I don't need that fancy stuff.
  20. Never played the previous MGS games, but let me say that MGS4 is a piece of art and does not deserve your scorn.
  21. Usually the brain dies first before you notice, yes.
  22. Playing Abe's Oddysee, but I'm horribly stuck. Then I figure out how to advance, just to get stuck again. I guess that's part of the fun.
  23. Never heard of this Dan Tudge dude anyway. He talks like he's supposed to talk - like a PR drone. What's up with the old Producer folks? Trent Oster, Derek French etc.?
  24. There's still some not-yet-announced stuff that could be released in 2009. Fanboy as I am, I contacted Oddworld Inhabitants and asked whether they'd make Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath (two games I direly want to play) 360 compatible. They responded and told me not only are they working out deals to get it up and running on the 360, but they're also looking for an external team to port these game to the PC, and then release it on Steam. Talk about fortunate oddities there. I'm also curious how that Citizen Siege game turns out, although that could be more like 2010ish.
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