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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Yes ^ We must win over their people. Should be easy.
  2. Did you know there are already threads about Pazzack on pages 2 and 3 (I think)? Maybe you can find players there.
  3. *Walkergrunt does a pistol overcharge on arbitrator's face and proceeds to tea bag his alein nuts* *shield recharges and walkergrunts balls are cut off inside Arbiterator's mouth* *walkergrunt totters off to find master chief*
  4. I'm saying I think the Chinese want this despite its issues with the west. ADDED: Sorry, I just noticed I copied some text off an ad on the CNN site. Stupid Ads. Stupid CNN.
  5. S T A R G A T E U N I V E R S E This is old news, but I wanted to perhaps open up discussions on the coming third series. Stargate Universes 9th Chevron
  6. Now using Firefox browser. The quality is terrible. Everything looks slightly smudged, especially the pictures. Is there a way to fix this?
  7. I want Spahgetti Man to be my god.
  8. China did so much to get the Olympics in Beijing. With China's alleged capture of al-Qaeda operatives plotting against the Olympics and President Bush saying last week despite issues with Tibet, he would still attend the event in Beijing, I think the Chinese "moodiness" isn't likely going to affect the Olympics.
  9. *puts on earplugs*
  10. Hey, maybe its one of those UK only links (assuming you're not British).
  11. this could be your problem though since it does not happen with any other sites, i'd say it is a questionable cause. the problem with VPN that i have seen (regularly) is that certain sites will automatically bring up the VPN "logon" screen expecting you to connect through it rather than your already dedicated connection. not all sites do this, though when it happens it prevents the current site from loading. i have searched and searched an i cannot figure out a way to disable this so it only appears when i ask it to. it's a total pain. it's also somewhat random when it decides it needs to connect for you. simply deleting the VPN icon from your desktop is not sufficient for removing the connection, btw. you need to go into your network/internet connections dialog (for XP "control panel"->"network and internet connections"->"setup or change your internet connections") and remove the VPN connection for it to be gone... taks How so for vista? No, I don't use them.
  12. Or wolves. Wolf Bashing also.
  13. Or better What about the vehicles? Tell us!
  14. We need this:
  15. China upset over errant U.S. missile part shipment - from CNN
  16. *walkerguy respawns as a grunt*
  17. LOL. Cheating n00b! Poor Tale. I don't know if anyone else has posted anything on this, but if so sorry. http://www.hgcontrollers.com/
  18. I share this computer so I'm going to have to ask here in a couple hours when he's home, but otherwise yes. Assuming I'll be installing Firefox, I'll report whether or not it helps then. Until then, I'll just have to refresh, click, click, and click. :sad:
  19. How should we know?!
  20. I'd should add that it has only happened once today. ADDED: Nevermind, it just happened when I was posting this ^ :sad: MAKE IT 3 TIMES SO FAR TODAY...
  21. Since yesterday its been on and off 2-4 times.
  22. No updates or installations. Cookies and History deleted. Downloading Firefox...
  23. Yes, I set up a VPN on accident when I meant to set up an ICS. Anyhow, this was a long while back and I've only had problems for a few days.
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