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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. I had little trouble with NWN2, yet I still recognize it was buggy. AP was not rushed. 5 years in development doesn't equal rushed.(unless it's Blizzard) Shep had aliens, Shep can be female and get it on with female aliens. Shep wins.
  2. Space Force Rogue Universe. A soon as you fire your weapons everything goes black except for your hud. No fix, ever. But you can still play with pixel shader 2!
  3. Crusader: Thy Kikngdom come. Don't bother getting it, screwed up on install(their fix being to install it manually, only take a sec but still). Then Xfire wants to install every start up. Then there is no way to change resolution(my arse it automatically adjusts to desktop resolution), you can tell when your playing 1280x1024 instead of 1920x1080. Then to top it all off, the games is bad. Poor graphics(most likely due to resolution), with poor animation and the idea that Turks hads cloaking devices to hide their armies in plain sight. Surprising this game is bad, considering King Arthur was good. Disappointed.
  4. Iron Tower Studios? The one-man studio that has been making a single indie game for how long now? It's not one man anymore, not that I would want Iorn Tower to be developing FO. Fine with FO in Bethsoft and OEI hands.
  5. I was a bit unsure about Homecoming, given that reviewers said it lost it's horror elements, but hey you can't go wrong for $7.50.
  6. I can't really think of any big interactive environments in the U3 engine.
  7. My purchase list: Just cause 2 SW:TFU Space Rangers 2 Stalker: CoP Arma 2 Men of War Operation Flashpont:DR Space Force: Rogue Universe Silent Hill: Homecoming Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come Steam
  8. Stalker CoP. Really enjoying it, GSC sure know how to create a great atmosphere.
  9. I really enjoyed King Arthur, but don't expect Total War in a King Arthur setting. Worth the $15 it's going for on Steam. Have you tried Supreme Ruler 2020? If not, perhaps give that a try. At the very least you'll have fun trying to conquer the world as New Zealand.
  10. That is impressive. I bet every game dev will be looking at that tech.
  11. ME2 1.79, of course such places can and will be inaccurate but not by such a large degree.
  12. Get him to the greek. Now that was a funny movie.
  13. (sorry for my poor english) 3 million copies? Ok, it might be true, but you could quote a reliable source for these numbers? I say this because for EA, at 31 March 2010, Mass Effect 2 has sold 1.6 million copies. It is possible that Mass Effect 2 has sold 1.4 million copies between April 1 and June 25 2010? ME2 hasn't sold 3mil copies unless is sold 1.2 mil on PC(miracle).
  14. Aussie politics, is politics. So backstabing, lying and cheating are the norm. Basically, Rudd(outed PM) wanted to place a tax on mining, mining companies didn't want this. So they start scare campaign, Rudd starts to lose ground in the polls, Labour party starts getting nervous, backstabs Rudd and now we have Australia's first female Prime Minister, that we didn't vote in.
  15. While, it's wouldn't of had a RDR budget, it was in development for 4 years wasn't it? That's not cheap. I remember people speculating DA's sales weren't enough to recoup the money spent in development, which is why we getting the speed expansions/DLC.
  16. Really, I always thought the seconds weak sales performance killed the series, sad to learn both failed.
  17. Jedi Knight, Freespace and Shemnue, weren't cult games when released, but successful titles. There sequels became the cult games that didn't sell enough to warrant furthur sequels.
  18. Tell me where I can find Freespace 3, Jedi Knight 4(unless you consider TFU it's successor) and Shemnue 3. I would love to play them. Freelancer 2 was being developed for X360/PC(theres vids on youtube), but M$ in there grand wisdom sheveled it. My point is cult does not equal sequel, you and I might want a sequel but realistically we probably won't get it. Mirror's Edge is now at 1.83 mil, publishers and EA especially look at pre-orders and early sales(first 2 months) where Mirror's Edge didn't do too well. In comparison ME2 was at 1.50mil after 2 months on 360 alone, the only thing EA is thinking is how can we get the ME series on the PS3. However I don't think EA thought ME was a huge success. Did I not here that Sega owned the AP IP? If true that would mean any AP sequel would have to involve Sega.
  19. Becuase VTM:B got a sequel, due to it's cult status. As did Freespace, Freelancer, Jedi Knight, Shemnue, PS:T etc. Even sadder is when cult games have got a new lease on life(FO/DX) they've been done by different devs.
  20. How about none. They are still too awkward(DA anyone). A fade to black scene(ME2/NWN2) is better.
  21. In the end, Aus paid for their poor effort against Germany and IMO should look at that instead of ref decisions. (Been listening to Aus commentary bemoaning about RCs)
  22. Depends on the amount spent on the game. For example Mirrors Edge was considered a failure(EA), it's now at 1.83mil (360/PS3). Or to use another Sega title, AvP, which is currently at 1.36mil and was(I believe) considered a success. If I were to hazard a guess though, 300,000 is not going to encourage a sequel.
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