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Everything posted by Rostere

  1. I'm having a cold beer to celebrate the occasion. Cheers!
  2. Currently I'm playing the SC2 beta. I'm playing in Gold League in 1v1 random and Bronze League when I play 2v2 random with my friends :/ Anyone here on the beta?
  3. I've been to Greece and to say that the country is a little corrupt is a gross understatement. I've never seen similar things in any western country.
  4. funcroc is my hero. If everybody was like him, we'd know everything about Obsidian's upcoming games
  5. I'd take Syberia over Dragon Age, actually... It's a close one but Syberia is a very good game.
  6. Being clean, pretty much equivalent to being Swedish. Wait...
  7. I honestly don't understand at all why a civilian should need a gun. It would be a miserably failed society where people are afraid of walking around unarmed.
  8. Look for fixes to Unreal Tournament, since they both have the same engine...
  9. I'm playing WoW. I thought I would never play that game, but I guess it's too late now.
  10. She seems to be a nice girl, although at least I would be reluctant to vote for a party who has never held power. Although in a way, that really highlights an inherent problem with the American way of democratic representation.
  11. I'm completely happy with my current spec
  12. Yeah, I mean, the place you are in Saudi Arabia in the the game is not a city at all... More like ruins or an encampment somewhere in the desert. I don't think anyone really believes cities in Saudi Arabia looks like that
  13. And get your ass handed to you like the last time you tried to invade Finland?
  14. What, you mean that Gorbachev was an incompetent on purpose? Interesting theory. Incompetent? Look at the Soviet Union he started out with, and compare it to the one he left when he had lost influence over it. Which choices would anyone have made differently? He did what was in his power, and when he could he did the right things all the time. What? I really don't understand this absurd statement at all. Would you care to explain yourself? Was this a comment to my recommendation to Oblarg to read up on Wikipedia? I feel it somehow is, but since none of your statements are directly aimed at anything I have written I don't really know how to respond. The dismantlement of the Soviet Union as an authoritarian, communist union of republics was indeed "masterminded" by Gorbachev, until it was hijacked by more radical elements (Boris Jeltsin, radical nationalists in outlying Soviet Republics, et.c.) and Gorbachev lost power. I think that what you call the "break-up" of the Soviet Union is what I consider happened "after" Gorbachev.
  15. He didn't exactly intend to dismantle the Soviet Union. If you payed attention in history class you'd know that. In every important aspect, he did intend to dismantle the Soviet Union. I'd like you to read up on Wikipedia, or prove me wrong through other means... Yeah, only that wasn't his intention by any stretch of the imagination -- American geopolitical and economic machinations were much more decisive in leading to the collapse of the USSR than he was. As a statesman, Gorbachev was pretty terrible, and he's actually a better example of what Hades said than of your own thesis. Of course, we love him because he sucked at being a bloodthirsty, power-crazed communist dictator, but that's a different story... No, American geopolitical machinations were not more decisive in leading to the PEACEFUL DISMANTLEMENT of the USSR, or at least not if you aren't arguing they somehow led to the election of Gorbachev.
  16. Regardless of the hopelessly romantic prism through which you are reviewing history, are you sure that using this guy as an example of what you are saying is a good idea? The guy who peacefully dismantled the Soviet Union? Yes, that might be quite the good example.
  17. I think you have the wrong perspective on history. If you don't like how things are, well, change it. If you don't believe that can be done, look at Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mikhail Gorbachev, and also those who died trying including Dag Hammarskj
  18. Deja vu! And to think someone would get this stupid idea again. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-COM:_Enforcer Seriously, dude. Don't talk **** about those games. Only a month or so since I last played Blood. It's an excellent game, with a lot more character than games in general have today.
  19. Couldn't we have a serious discussion here instead of bringing up freemasonry? The bias of American media towards Israel is an interesting phenomenon that deserves a forum topic without spam.
  20. My preorder in a Swedish store cost me only an amount of money equivalent to 55 $...
  21. I guess anything that you build from the bottom to the top in similar fashion would fit the analogy. I'm not really of a romantic nature, hence a brick house and not and castle made of sand
  22. Life is like a house that you build, brick by brick. Yet people are not always very constructive when it comes to their own lives. Always keep that in mind. Plus, I'd like to give you some general advice (that would be of interest to anyone) about life: 1. Be good. Seriously, being mean to other people only results in your own moral degradation. Being kind to others helps to build meaningful relationships. 2. Play it cool. Play it cool, man. Don't do anything too drastic. Always think carefully about where you want to go from where you are. 3. Have an open mind. Welcome new ways of thinking and new interests. An individual's mind has place for many things. It may be easier to grow as a person than you believe.
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