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Everything posted by fastpunk

  1. DX:IW didn't have infinite ammo. Though weapons did use the same type of ammo. Anyway, infinite ammunition is a potentially game breaking feature and I hope Obsidian will drop this idea. Otherwise, the preview was encouraging. Can't wait for AP! Hope not. Something like Vampire: Bloodlines' hacking mini-game would be nice.
  2. This sounds good. Coupled with what the next-gen.biz article also mentioned (time limits for responses) this could turn out to be interesting. But won't changing stances multiple times throughout a conversation make dialogs feel disjointed? I mean, one minute you're aggressive, the other you're suave... All things considered, the dialog system is better than I imagined it, although it still sounds like some sort of mini-game.
  3. My favorite so far. I recognise that Unreal Engine 3 style DoF anywhere. Good going guys! This set of screenshots looks much better than the one from Game Informer.
  4. Errr... I was hoping to hear more than a "Would it?" ...
  5. Now that raises an interesting problem. It would be interesting to be able to increase your combat skills by learning new moves from various NPCs. And it would be just as interesting to increase the non combat skills by reading books, like in Fallout or Vampire: Bloodlines. It'd be nice to hear from a dev on this matter. I mean, it's not a major part of the game so spoiling it wouldn't hurt, right?
  6. In no particular order (although Planescape: Torment is definitely number 1) : Planescape: Torment Thief: The Dark Project NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer Need for Speed: Porsche Unreal Tournament 2004 Knights of the Old Republic II Fallout Fallout 2 System Shock 2 Age of Empires II + The Conquerors
  7. fastpunk


    That is probably because Amon Tobin, the guy who did the soundtrack, generally makes good music: http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&a...aifrxq9hldse~T2 I was just about to reply with a similar answer. Amon Tobin is weird but man oh man, is he good. His album Out From Out Where is pretty much essential for those who enjoy electronic music (for a lack of better description). The track El Wraith is particularly mind-blowing (or sick, whichever you prefer ). And speaking of game soundtracks, I think that Mask of the Betrayer's was fantastic. I'd love to see it available for purchase. So, Obsidian, any chance of that happening? Please!
  8. I'm currently playing Anachronox, for the first time. I'm really impressed with this game, it's so enjoyable. And I'm almost done with Still Life. It's a good adventure game with a good story, but nothing ground-breaking in terms of game mechanics.
  9. I think Michael Thorton will not have time to stick around one place for too long... nor watch TV.
  10. While that might be true for most of them, this doesn't apply to Kreia. Frankly, she's one the best NPCs I've ever seen. Oh, and someone forgot to mention Vampire Bloodlines' NPCs...
  11. I'm quite late to this thread, sadly... but here's a few possible skills that might be in: First off, weapon related skills are probably going to be broken down into categories, like melee, small guns and big guns. Hand-to-hand combat will certainly make into the game. This is a must, you can't say that Jason Bourne or James Bond are an inspiration if you don't give the player the opportunity to rain hell with fists and feet, right? Also, I'd be fun to have a demolitions skill, which would help you disarm explosive devices but also set up traps for enemies - very messy traps. Stealth skill will definitely be in, no explanations needed on this one. Although, I hope Obsidian makes some sort of HUD element that indicates how visible you are, like Thief's light gem. Then there's probably going to be a hacking skill, which will probably work in similar fashion to Vampire Bloodlines or Knights of the Old Republic's computer skill. I'm also quite sure that lockpicking will be in... but I wonder how it will work. I don't usually like mini-games but a good mini-game would probably work best here. Your skill level should determine how hard the lockpick attempt is (higher skill=lower mini-game difficulty). Anyone here played Still Life? That game had an interesting lockpicking mini-game, though a tad hard; AP could use a similar system, but maybe easier, for the sake of unlocking stuff in timely fashion. Two more to go, which are probably dialog-related skills. One might be persuade and the other might be bluff (this is James Bond territory). No need for further explanations on this one. Well, that about covers all of them, now I'm curious how many I got right and how exactly will they work. Can't wait for this game!
  12. I'm pretty sure that Obsidian will create a few big areas that are broken down into smaller chunks, connected by loading screens. It's quite all right for me, as long as quests involve thorough exploration of all areas in a non linear fashion. Since they're using the Unreal Engine 3 (right? ), I think loading times will be quite OK.
  13. It's definitely nr. 2 for me. It's a must for AP to give you many choices in how you complete quests: combat, stealth, dialog etc. This also implies that it needs good game mechanics for all of this to work so I hope Obsidian can do something nice with that. It's also important that AP is as bug free as possible, people tend to avoid games with big bugs and they spread the word fast... so yeah, for the sake of good financial results, AP better be polished. Good luck to the Obsidian team with this one! Looking forward to it.
  14. Wow, that sucks. Anyway, mister Sawyer, your sig is tyte. I laughed my a** off listening to that stuff.
  15. Oh yay! I also heard you're doing a Fallout game next.
  16. There better be! I mean, it's a modern setting, it needs some sort of vehicles, maybe not drivable but vehicles must be in the game, swooshing by. Anyway, Thorton looks like the type of guy who drives a black Ducati, that would be cool
  17. What's wrong with Thorton? Sounds very siecsi!
  18. So far we know it's a classless system and that it has 10 skills. But that's about it. I do hope Obsidian adds some sort of perks, it's a bit too basic as it is.
  19. It's all a point of view mate, depends what you're looking for in a game. Me for example, I think KotOR2 and NWN2 are above the original games by quite a bit, specially when it comes down to actual role-playing, story and feature set. Obsidian gets a lot of criticism for making buggy games and yes, that's a problem, but their games are far from mediocre. I'd sooner name Bethesda or Bioware's games as mediocre and generic than Obsdian's. And yes, MotB counts just as much as a full game. You rarely find an expansion that offers a solid 25-30 hours of top quality content; sh*t, you rarely find a full game that's 25-30 hours long these days anyway.
  20. More Bourne for me, please! Not that I have anything against the other two but they can get cheesy sometimes.
  21. The research isn't about who makes awesome games, if I've read it right, it's more about how random people rate them and how their games score with reviewers. And yes there is a difference between them. You're right. And although I'd say Obsidian deserves to be ranked higher (much higher actually), I'm surprised they made it in the top 50. I still experience random encounters with forumites that are so sure Obsidian games suck that they'd dip their hands in lava. Of course, these are the people that think of Halo as the greatest game in existance and Oblivion as the deepest RPG ever...
  22. This is a great idea, glad to see OEI is doing this sort of thing. I've been fiddling around with the toolset in my free time so I might join if I make something interesting. And if I don't make it then I hope you'll host more contests like this one in the future. Peace!
  23. Patience! She will come to you in due time... cause The Exile is such a charismatic stallion.
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