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Everything posted by fastpunk

  1. Nah, they're easy, just like the rest of the game. What a ridiculous statement. Sometimes I get heartburn from eating bacon. Would you like to argue that as well? Alright, alright. I should have said "It is my personal point of view that they are easy, just like the rest of the game." Also, you should eat more high fibrous foods in order to avoid heartburn.
  2. :marketing-dude: 'Seven Drawfs' sounds a bit lame, needs something extra to make it marketable. '7 DwArfs of the Apocalypse' would definitely have more pull. :marketing-dude: But seriously, this is disappointing news. I got hundreds of fun hours from NWN2, and was kinda looking forward to a NWN3, also by Obsidian. But maybe it's for the best, who knows.
  3. @Walsingham: The Staffordshire terrier is pretty cool, but I prefer the regular bull terrier. Some friends of mine have one... stubborn dog, once he's got a hold of something he'll not let go anytime soon. If I ever get another dog, it's going to be either a bull terrier or a golden retriever... or, you know, another basset.
  4. Looks very good! Keep 'em coming.
  5. I've got a Basset Hound. Looks kinda like this one, though mine is only brown and white, no black. Yeah, I guess you can.
  6. Day's far from over, but I've been working away on a school-related project. Been moving a house plan between archicad and 3ds max all morning, mainly because of small tweaks to its layout and such. I finally settled for a layout that's just about perfect, and I've done part of the landscaping too. Now come the interiors, then texturing and lighting... oh boy. I felt the need to take a break before going back in. Besides, I have to walk the dog.
  7. Nightmares on Wax - Soul Purpose
  8. Good thing that original ending was removed, else the world would not have received the brilliant last two Terminator movies... oh wait... But seriously, I liked the original ending more as well. On thread topic: the last movie I saw was Zack and Miri make a Porno, which was hilarious for about 2/3 of its length, but sadly turned into a typical romantic comedy towards the end. So you could say it was kind of a mixed bag.
  9. Nah, they're easy, just like the rest of the game. And you can do them over and over until you get it right. What was the problem with actually allowing the player to fail a sidequest assassination? You fail, the informer doesn't give you the info, it's that simple. Only 2 investigations are required in order to get the green light for the main assassinations anyway. That's Assassin's Creed for you: great concept with some mind-numbingly stupid design decisions. I hope they try harder for the second one. Anyway, I'm still playing The Witcher and Icewind Dale 2. Kind of on and off really... doesn't mean they're not thoroughly enjoyable though.
  10. AP has some over-the-top elements which kind of rule out the 'serious espionage RPG' part. I hope it doesn't end up feeling inconsistent in tone. Personally, the 'super powers' kind of bother me (invisibility? really? ), but I can ultimately live with that stuff. Now, the AI, that seems to be a real problem. I'm not sure how much work it would take to enhance it or tweak it, but I really hope Obsidian takes the time to do it. Judging from the videos, the AI needs to be more aggressive and focused (not run in circles and get run over by a train because they heard a suspicious sound), to make you use cover more often. From what I've seen, Obsidian implemented a pretty competent cover system (with mantling, blind-firing, all that good stuff). It would be a pretty big waste of resources and effort if the AI didn't push you to use it. Of course, the impressions I got from the vids might be wrong. After all, Thorton did seem to be in some sort of god mode, which made it look very easy. Doesn't change the fact that the AI seems rather inconsistent though.
  11. No ****. The train stunt was just plain stupid. At this point, the AI is the thing I'm most concerned about, specially since it will have an impact on game difficulty. The AI looked very static in the previous gameplay vid too. I don't want this game to be easy. Please make it hard! Otherwise, AP looks quite nice and fun. The present video reminds me a lot of Vampire: Bloodlines. Remember, there was that mission at that warehouse you needed to blow up? Got flashback's of that mission as I was watching the video.
  12. Cheers funcroc! The environments look really nice. I see the visual polishing process is going well. This image reminds me a little of the interrogation scene from The Matrix, where Neo makes Agent Smith the famous "how about I give you the finger, and you give me my phone call" offer.
  13. Yup, looks like a cakewalk. Way too easy. I expected the AI opponents to put up a fight, force you to use cover, but they're very static. The demo way on easy difficulty level, right? I doubt it has anything to do with the engine, both UT3 and Gears of War offer a proper 'feeling' of character weight. Even Mass Effect does a decent job of that, at least when your weapon is drawn. My guess is that it's all about the animations and details like walking/running speed, amplitude of steps, view bob, and that sort of stuff.
  14. Ah, new AP stuff. I saw the thread this morning before leaving for an exam, couldn't wait to come back and check out the new stuff. Gotta say, the site looks so much better than before. And I'm Dagon on this one, the game does look better in recent screenshots. Also, the music's pretty interesting too, with a few stand-outs like Trainyard Crane Ride. That track's got massive balls... made of steel! K. Gonna look through the site some more.
  15. Damn, I love these guys!
  16. Stop being so dramatic. It may be an insult to the lovers of the first one (can't tell really, the first TR I've played was TR3), but Anniversary was significantly better than both Legend and Underworld, which makes it a pretty fine game.
  17. You should try Tomb Raider: Anniversary if you enjoyed Underworld. It's better in almost every way, except graphics of course. But that's not to say TR:A doesn't look good, quite the opposite really. Anyway, it's more challenging, it has much better puzzles, and the controls and camera are not as problematic as Underworld's. I'd even say that the combat is slightly better. Overall, it's just a better game, can't go wrong with it. As for what I'm playing: still Icewind Dale 2 and The Witcher.
  18. Alien should never be remade, not now, not ever. It's one of the great sci-fi classics, it's absolutely stunning as it is. Hope the rumors aren't true.
  19. Thievery Corporation - 33 Degree
  20. Now this was awesome. I don't really expect this stuff to be in the game (or maybe it will), but the trailer got the point across: your weapon is choice, like they said in the gameplay trailer.
  21. I'll give it a read. Thanks. Oh yeah, saw Ocean's 13. It was quite entertaining.
  22. Parov Stelar - Hotel Axos
  23. Awesome! So ammo is actually limited. Also, I noticed that the HUD received a facelift. I imagine the picture above is from a newer build. In the OXM preview from January, the HUD looked different: Good stuff, can't wait to play this!
  24. Terminator: Salvation was the last movie I saw. It wasn't a bad movie, just not interesting. Mediocre would be the right word I guess. They had great sfx, but it was pretty badly written. Actually, not even the action scenes managed to impress. It's just an overall bland and unimpressive movie.
  25. Shirley Manson (the chick from Garbage) - Samson & Delilah
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