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Everything posted by fastpunk

  1. Yes, it's more languid, and has a pause feature, which gives you more time to figure out what's going on even when blinded by over-the-top spell effects (like meteor storm for example). Now, DS3 is going to have a faster pace, which gives you little time to figure out what's going on when bombarded by over-the-top visual effects. That's the problem. Over-the-top sfx got in the way of the more languid MotB combat, it might spell disaster for the faster DS3 combat. Well, I don't mean just the visual aspect when I say 'combat experience'. I mean combat as a whole (mechanics, visuals, animations etc.).
  2. Looks like Geralt's gonna be tortured in TW2. Also, that dungeon looks very atmospheric. In fact, this was the case for TW1 dungeons as well, though the game never really put emphasis on the dungeon crawling aspect. Oh God, why do they have to cheapen their game like that?
  3. I just hope these over-the-top sfx don't turn combat into complete clusterf**k. The higher level spell effects from Mask of the Betrayer (which, please keep in mind, had a pause feature) were often times intrusive and a detriment to the combat experience.
  4. Don't mess around, man. The Bioware fanbase are pretty humorless folk.
  5. Are you insane? The ME fanbase would have a collective heart attack.
  6. Risen 2! Yeah, looking forward to that one. I luv Piranha Bytes games.
  7. Oh, hei, look! New screenshots! And I thought this would be just another quiet evening in the DS3 forums. The screens look great, nothing to complain about as far as I'm concerned. But I'd wager the game looks even better in motion, so I can't wait for some gameplay footage.
  8. Tnx, I'll try it.
  9. I'm playing Assassin's Creed 2 and I'm enjoying it a lot. In fact, I've rarely been so into a game. Part of the reason is the Renaissance setting (I love the Renaissance period), but the gameplay itself is great too. There's so much stuff to do this time around, and the assassination missions are varied and fun... basically it's everything I expected it to be. Some caps (sorry for the small size, photobucket has a resolution limit for free users):
  10. I've yet to see a mage wield such a gigantic sword. The trailer suggests Hawke is some sort of Geralt ripoff (fencer + some magic).
  11. Wow, the screens from the IGN preview are butt ugly. What an uninspired 'art' direction they took with this one! Btw, this just in (awsum cinematic trailer included): http://www.shacknews.com/laryn.x?story=65164
  12. I haven't played either Dungeon Siege game, but I don't want town teleportation to be readily accessible, for two reasons. One: I want the game to underline the need to pick up only the stuff that's useful for your character. The game needs to block tactics like lugging around every piece of junk in order to sell it later and making tons of money this way. Resource scarcity sucks in real life, but it's a great feature for RPGs if you ask me. Two: when in a huge dungeon, or somewhere in the wilderness far from civilization, it would enhance the feeling of isolation and danger to know that you can't just pull out the teleport scroll when in trouble. No bailouts! You have to make do with what you find. Still, DS3 being made in this day and age, I think it's going to go with the accessible way and throw town teleportation scrolls at you from every angle. Hope I'm wrong here.
  13. Royksopp - Only This Moment This is my favorite song right now. It so full of energy and momentum, like a storm. video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDhPtS0bZgo&hd=1
  14. Bob Marley - Redemption Song Good old Bob, God bless his soul. He was awesome.
  15. Hopefully we'll get some more media with this occasion.
  16. Well, if they do release a toolset, it could include the option to cook mods for the PS3 as well. Kind of like Epic did for Unreal Tournament 3. The problem is Microsoft has some restrictions as far as user-created content goes, so I'm pretty sure mods are out of the question for Xbox no matter what (please correct me if I'm wrong here). That said, if the toolset doesn't happen, having randomly generated dungeons would be nice, but like I said earlier, only for side-quests. The MAIN areas should definitely feel as unique as possible, so being randomly generated is not an option.
  17. We need to see more before knowing for sure how good this game will look, but the lighting seems to be excellent. Now, a game looks better in motion than in screenshots (unless the screenshots are photoshoped for marketing purposes), which means the first hd gameplay vid is gonna show DS3's true colours. Gonna have to wait a while for that I think, so more screenshots will do.
  18. Actually, now that I think about it, I'd trade the random dungeons bit for a toolset. A toolset is a far better choice imho.
  19. Finally saw Avatar. Superb effects, fun first half, but pretty forgettable otherwise. Looking forward to seeing The Road one of the these days. I heard it's good.
  20. I agree. Randomly generated dungeons would be nice, but only as an extra. The main areas should all be uniquely crafted.
  21. There's not much information in this interview, but it's better than nothing. I'm curious just how important the story is, though. And again, they seem to be pushing the choices part. Obsidian have always delivered on that to a certain extent, so that's good to hear. I'd be real nice to get some sort of story-driven hack & slasher with a great atmosphere. Tell me that doesn't make your brows go like this:
  22. Well well, look at all these good reviews! Seems we spoke too soon with the negativity. Though I expect at least one of the big ones (Gamespot, Gamespy, or IGN) to slam it. For stuff they overlooked when it came to games like ME or FO3, of course.
  23. God, hopefully this will not turn into another 'Storm of Zehir' type scenario. Its reviews were all over the place, with some major publications dropping the ball hard (gamespot in particular had a piece which can hardly be called a review).
  24. Now here's a person who's impressions I actually trust, as we've bumped into each other on the RPG Codex and IronTower. I agree with you a lot of times, so nice to see you're positive about it. Do post some more impressions when you get to play further.
  25. As opposed to shooters, where you also take down a health bar. It's just not visible as a HUD element. Oh, these RPG thingies!
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