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Magister Lajciak

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Everything posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. I assume you mean the D&D Insider software. That will require a subscription and I have no intention of paying monthly fees for MMOs, be they computer MMOs or PnP MMOs.
  2. So approximately with every doubling of computing power...
  3. I am aware of the report by Atari and agree that the second NWN 2 expansion is (thankfully) very likely, but can you point me to those designer posts you mention? Thanks!
  4. I hope it's KOTOR 3, but even most other single player CRPGs from OE would excite me. Hopefully, it is not a CIA game, as I like fantasy and Sci-Fi games, but games that are set in present times usually do not appeal to me (with the possible exception of strategy games).
  5. Let's be reasonable here. Nystul's Magic Aura is not a combat spell. Can it be used in combat? Sure, but it is not designed with the intended purpose of being used in combat. Airliners can be used for military effect, but they are not designed to be weapons either.
  6. It is mean. Especially since we simply don't know whether KOTOR 3 is in the works or not, so he may even be right.
  7. If Mr. Sawyer did indeed tell you that Obsidian Entertainment is working on KOTOR 3, I would consider that credible. Were that the case, however, I think it is at the very least inappropriate to break his trust by posting that publicly. As much as I would love and I mean love to have confirmation that KOTOR 3 is in the works, placing his PMs into the public domain (well, ok, you did not do that, but you did hint at their content) is not fair to him. Still, I do hope you are correct that KOTOR 3 is in the works. The major problem is, who would be making KOTOR 3 were it in the works? Bioware has explicitly stated that it is not making KOTOR 3. Obsidian Entertainment has not stated anything, but it is already working on the Aliens game, as well as on a secret project that is a new IP co-developed with Sega. It is also likely that OE is working on the second expansion pack to NWN 2. As a relatively new company, I doubt it can take on any more than that simultaneously.
  8. I think the first game is better (there's more things to do (places to go, tombs,etc)). I could not even bring myself to finish the first NWN 1 campaign, not to mention moving on to the XP pack campaigns... By contrast, I have finished the respectable NWN 2 campaign and also finished the MotB campaign, which I absolutely adore. Back to KOTOR, though, yes the original game was better than the sequel, but both vere rather excellent.
  9. In that case, the silence is good news! I am looking forward to what Obsidian eventually reveals!* *Hoping for a 2nd NWN2 expansion and KOTOR 3.
  10. I am still undecided and am planning to make a decision after D&D Experience at which point we should have ample information about the 4th edition. At the moment, I am leaning towards staying with the 3.5 edition for my PnP gaming, though I would not mind a 4E CRPG? Why the dichotomy? Because, 4e is apparently (hopefully this impression of mine will change after D&D Experience) taking away simulationist tools from the DM, thus making it more work for me to design non-combat stuff and less interesting to design worlds in general (an important motivation for my DMing). Of course, if this work is already done by say Obsidian in a CRPG, then I don't mind playing the game at all.
  11. actually i think the 'wookie dialogue' is funny like hell, I also had to laugh on it Yes, that was hilarious!
  12. Thanks - I suspected as much, but wanted to make sure.
  13. As said somewhere else already: the real news is not that i found these pictures, the real news is that the recent appearence of it is one of many other things that indicate thet the developement of the game restarted or is soon to happen and these are the preparations we notice. It could mean that. Or it could be that some internal deadline after game cancellation has run out at Lucasarts enabling him to put these pictures on his website. As such it could even indicate the absence of work on KOTOR 3. Of course, I do hope your theory is correct, but we really don't know without further info.
  14. Perhaps they believe that if you happen to dislike the game you will throw the disc at U.S. soldiers in neighboring Iraq. DVDs are dangerous weapons you know!
  15. When it no longer does what you want it to do. Well, yes, but there are various degrees of a computer not doing what I want it to do... I guess, I am asking at what most people consider to be a critical amount of performance increase to upgrade.
  16. No interloping detected thanks for asking ... The term goes back to the original BIS fora when there was a group of us writing fanfic at the time. I thought that we needed something that reflected that we were indeed geeks, but not ones w/o chutzpah! So Geckling was born as a way to reclaim geek, w/o all of the baggage we carried back in the day Thanks for the explanation!
  17. Nice find Jorian Drake! Thanks for taking the time to find these pictures and to post them here. They certainly look good and they do appear to be legitimate. They are probably from the alleged initial work done on KOTOR 3 in 2004 before it was cancelled, but it is always good to have even the vaguest of hints of activity on the KOTOR 3 front, so any KOTOR 3 related news is appreciated.
  18. Yeah, the item variety is pretty good in all D&D games - I would not worry about that.
  19. Yes it should. As to what it would be, that would depend on the content of the game.
  20. The reason I don't buy stuff over the internet is that I don't have a credit card...
  21. Are you some sort of bigoted, xenophobic white-supremest, or are you just an ignorant racist? What the heck? Are you some kind of inquisition or something? Why did you feel the need to derail a perfectly good and interesting thread with baseless accusations of racism? Walkerguy probably made an innocent comment in jest and you immediately pounced on him like some sort of Orwelian thought-police. For the record, I am from Eastern/Central Europe and I do not feel his comments were in any way racist against me, so please give him a break and let's return this thread on topic.
  22. I buy games in a local supermarket or games store.
  23. Can Windows XP be upgraded to DX10, or is DX10 exclusive to Windows Vista?
  24. I do not wish to interlope into the thread, but what or who is Geckling?
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